Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 2.djvu/950

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103 STAT. 1960 PUBLIC LAW 101-231—DEC. 13, 1989 Carlos Salinas de Grortari. Miguel Nazar Haro. Miguel Angel Felix-jQallardo. Carlos Robles. Joaquin Hernandez Galicia. narcotics operations, including narcotics trafficking oper- ations into the United States; (D) Mexico has been determined to be the primary pro- ducer of marijuana and heroin entering the United States and the transit point for up to 50 percent of the cocaine being smuggled into this country; (E) there have been three drug-related mass murders involving more than 30 victims along the southwest border in recent months involving Mexican drug trafficking organizations; (F) the United States continues to seek, with Mexican cooperation, hot pursuit and overflight authority for United States law enforcement agencies, access to bank records, verification of eradication figures, information on those who have been tried, charged, sentenced, and served time for narcotics-related crimes, and extradition of criminal figures; (G) there was sworn in a new president and Govern- ment of Mexico on December 1, 1988, creating a new era of opportunity for increased cooperation and mutual friendship; (H) the new President of Mexico, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, has indicated a strong willingness to expand and improve Mexico's antinarcotics activities; (I) the Chief of the Mexico City Police Investigative Serv- ice, Miguel Nazar Haro, who is under indictment in the United States, has been fired; (J) the Government of Mexico has arrested Miguel Angel Felix-Gallardo, one of the most notorious drug trafficking figures in Mexico; (K) Mexican officials have for the first time conceded that corrupt Mexican officials, including law enforcement, government, and military officials, have previously pro- tected Mr. Gallardo; and (L) criminal charges of electoral fraud against the mayor of Hermosillo, Carlos Robles, and homicide and arms charges against the head of Mexico's Oil Workers Union, Joaquin Hernandez Galicia, have been filed. (2) SENATE POLICY. — It is the sense of the Senate that— (A) President Salinas should be supported in his ex- pressed willingness to end the narcotics-related corruption that has permeated the Government of Mexico in the past; (B) Mexico should conclude the prosecution of the mur- ders of Drug Enforcement Administration agent Camarena, the perpetrators of torture against DEA agent Cortez, and make progress in the prosecution of Felix-Gallardo; (C) Mexico should demonstrate its commitment to co- operating fully in antinarcotics activities by entering into negotiations with the United States on— (i) joint overflight and hot pursuit operations, involv- ing Mexican law enforcement officials traveling on United States interdiction aircraft with Mexican offi- cers having responsibility for actual arrests of suspects; (ii) participation of United States law enforcement agencies in air surveillance flights for interdiction ef- forts and joint United States-Mexico border enforce- ment and interdiction operations;