Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 3.djvu/53

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PUBLIC LAW 101-239—DEC. 19, 1989 103 STAT. 2121 "(1) had its institutional accreditation withdrawn, revoked, or otherwise terminated for cause during the preceding 24 months; or "(2) withdrawn from institutional accreditation voluntarily under a show cause or suspension order during the preceding 24 months; unless— "(A) such accreditation has been restored by the same accrediting agency which had accredited it prior to the withdrawal, revocation, or termination; or "(B) the institution has demonstrated its academic integ- rity to the satisfaction of the Secretary in accordance with section 1201(a)(5)(A) or (B) of this Act.'\ (c) EuGiBLE INSTITUTION ACCREDITATION RULE.—Section 481(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1088(a)) is amended by inserting after paragraph (2) the following new paragraph: "(3) Whenever the Secretary determines eligibility under para- graph (1), the Secretary shall not recognize the accreditation of any eligible institution of higher education under this subsection if the institution of higher education is in the process of receiving a new accreditation or changing accrediting agency or association unless the eligible institution submits to the Secretary all materials relat- ing to the prior accreditation, including materials demonstrat- ing reasonable cause for changing the accrediting agency or association.". SEC. 2008. REVISION OF NATIONAL STUDENT LOAN DATA SYSTEM. Section 485B of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C 1092(b)) is amended to read as follows: "NATIONAL STUDENT LOAN DATA SYSTEM "SEC. 485B. (a) DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM. —The Secretary shall 20 USC I092b. consult with a representative group of gfuaranty agencies, eligible lenders, and eligible institutions to develop a mutually agreeable proposal for the establishment of a National Student Loan Data System containing information regarding loans made, insured, or guaranteed under part B and loans made under part E. The information in the data system shall include (but is not limited to)— "(1) the amount and type of each such loan made; "(2) the names and social security numbers of the borrowers; "(3) the guaranty agency responsible for the guarantee of the loan; "(4) the institution of higher education or organization responsible for loans made under part E; ' (5) the eligible institution in which the student was enrolled or accepted for enrollment at the time the loan was made, and any additional institutions attended by the borrower; '(6) the total amount of loans made to any borrower and the remaining balance of the loans; "(7) the lender, holder, and servicer of such loans; "(8) information concerning the date of any default on the loan and the collection of the loan, including any information concerning the repayment status of any defaulted loan on which the Secretary has made a payment pursuant to section 43(Ka) or the guaranty agency has made a payment to the previous holder of the loan;