Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 3.djvu/618

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103 STAT. 2686 PROCLAMATION 5923—DEC. 14, 1988 Confonning change: General note 3(c) (ii)(D) is modified by deleting "4104.29.60 Aigentina" and by inserting in lieu thereof "4104.20.50 Aigentina" and "4104.29.90 Argentina" 8. The following new subheading is inserted in numerical order in chapter 41: -' [4104 Leather...:] [Other...:] [4104.31 Full...:] [Other] " 4104.31.50 Upper leather; sole leather.. 5% Eree (A*£IL] 4% 25%" (CA) Confonning change: General note 3(c] (ii)(D) is modified by inserting in numerical order "4104.31.50 Argentina" 9. The following new subheading is inserted in numerical order in chapter 41: [4104 Leather...:] [Other...:] [4104.39 Other] [Other] "4104.39.50 Upper leather sole leather.. 5% Free (A*,E,IL) 4% 25%" (CA) Confonning change: General note 3(c) (ii)(D) is modified by inserting in numerical order " 4104.39.50 Argentina" 10. Additional U.S. note 1 to chapter 58 is modified to read as follows: " l.The rates of duty applicable to subheadings 5810.91, 5810.92 and 5810.99 are: coliunn 1 (General), 8.4%, but in the case of embroidery in the piece not less than the rate which would apply to such product if not embroidered; column 1 (Special), for goods originating in the territory of Canada, 7.5%, but in the case of embroidery in ihe piece not less than the rate which would apply to such product if not embroidered; and colimm 2, 90%, but in the case of embroidery in the piece not less than the rate which would apply to such product if not embroidered." On or after January 1 of the following years, the rate in such note applicable to goods originating in the territory of Canada shall be modified as follows: 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 6.7% 5.8% 5% 4.2% 3.3% 2.5% 1.6% 0.8% Free 11. Subheading 7321.11.50 is superseded by: '\ ' *'• [7321 Stoves...:] ' [Cooking...:] [7321.11 For gas...:] "Other ' 7321.11.30 Stoves or ranges 4.2% Free (A.CA,E,IL) 45% 7321.11.80 Other 4.2% Free (A£IL) 3.7% 45%" (CA) 12. Subheading 7321.90.00 is superseded by: [7321 Stoves...:] •7321.00 Parts 7321.90.30 Of articles in subheading 7321.11.30. 4.2% Free (A,CA,E,IL) 45% 7321.90.80 Other 4.2% Free (A.E,IL) 3.7% 45%" (CA) 13. The following new subheading is inserted in niunerical order in chapter 84: [8422 Dishwashing...:] [8422.90 Part s:] " 8422.90.05 Of dishwashing machines 3.6% Free (A,E,IL) 3.2% 35%" (CA) 14. The following new subheading is inserted in numerical order in chapter 84: _. [8424 Mechanical...:] [8424.90 Part s:] "8424.90.05 Of fire extinguishers 3.7% Free (A,B£IL) 3.3% 35%" (CA)