Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/12

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xii LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS PUBLIC LAW DATE PAGE 101-310 To designate the week beginning June 10, 1990, as "Na- June 18, 1990 266 tional Scleroderma Awareness Week". 101-311 To amend title 11 of the United States Code regarding June 25, 1990 267 swap agreements and forward contracts. 101-312 To authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to proceed June 25, 1990 271 with a proposed administrative reorganization of the regional field ofGces of the Veterans Health Services and Research Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs, notwithstanding the notice-and-wait provisions in section 210(b) of title 38, United States Code. 101-313 To establish Petroglyph National Monument and Pecos June 27, 1990 272 National Historiral Park in the State of New Mexico, and for other purposes. 101-314 Designating July 3, 1990, as "Idaho Centennial Day" June 28, 1990 281 101-315 To designate June 25, 1990, as "Korean War Remem- June 28, 1990 282 brance Day". 101-316 To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the National June 28, 1990 284 Sheriffs' Association. 101-317 Calling upon the United Nations to repeal General As- June 29, 1990 285 sembly Resolution 3379. 101-318 Copyright Fees and Technical Amendments Act of 1989 July 3, 1990 287 101-319 Copyright Royalty Tribunal Reform and Miscellaneous July 3, 1990 290 Pay Act of 1989. 101-320 To amend the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Development July 3, 1990 292 Act to make certain changes relating to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park Commission. 101-321 Selma to Montgomery National Trail Study Act of 1989 July 3, 1990 293 101-322 Amtrak Reauthorization and Improvement Act of 1990 July 6, 1990 295 101-323 To commemorate the bicentennial of the enactment of the July 6, 1990 299 law which provided civil government for the territory from which the State of Tennessee was formed. 101-324 To amend the Higher Education Amendments of 1986 to July 6, 1990 300 clarify the administrative procedures of the National Commission on Responsibilities for Financing Postsecondary Education, and for other purposes. 101-325 To designate July 10, 1990 as "Wyoming Centennial Day". July 6, 1990 302 101-326 For the designation of July 22, 1990, as "Rose Fitzgerald July 6, 1990 304 Kennedy Family Appreciation Day". 101-327 Designating July 2, 1990, as "National Literacy Day" July 6, 1990 306 101-328 National Space Council Authorization Act of 1990 July 8, 1990 308 101-329 Designating July 19, 1990, as "Flight Attendant Safety July 8, 1990 310 Professionals' Day". 101-330 To amend the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to provide that July 12, 1990 311 the Secretary of Agriculture may not consider, in allocating amounts to a State agency under the special sup plemental food program for women, infants, and chU- dren for the fiscal year 1991, any amounts returned by such agency for reallocation during the fiscal year 1990 and to allow amounts allocated to a State for such program for the fiscal year 1991 to be expended for expenses incurred in the fiscal year 1990. 101-331 To designate July 1, 1990, as "National Ducks and Wet- July 13, 1990 312 lands Day". 101-332 Mount Rushmore Commemorative Coin Act July 16, 1990 313 101-333 To authorize the Secretary of the Air Force to purchase July 16, 1990 316 certain property at Pease Air Force Base, New Hampshire. 101-334 Ethics in Government Act Amendment of 1990 July 16, 1990 318 101-335 Thrift Savings Plan Technical Amendments Act of 1990 July 17, 1990 319 101-336 Americans with Disabliities Act of 1990 July 26, 1990 327