Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/121

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PUBLIC LAW 101-246—FEB. 16, 1990 104 STAT. 87 SEC. 1004. SUPPORT FOR THE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HOUSE MUSEUM AND LIBRARY. (a) FINDINGS.— The Congress finds that— (1) the former London residence of Benjamin Franklin is the only surviving home of Benjamin Franklin existing today and should be preserved to commemorate his great contributions to human liberty, science, and education; and (2) the Friends of Benjamin Franklin House and the American Franklin Friends Committee are twin charities dedicated to the restoration, preservation, and maintenance of the Benjamin Franklin House as a museum and library open to the public. 0^) POLICY OF SUPPORT.—The Congress hereby— (1) urges the people of the United States to recognize June 17, 1990, as the bicentennial of Benjamin Franklin's death and to celebrate Franklin's long and distinguished public service, his scientific and literary achievements, and his role as a Founding Father of our country; and (2) calls on the relevant agencies and departments of the Federal Government of the United States to recognize the important goals of the Friends of Benjamin Franklin House and the American Franklin Friends Committee. SEC. 1005. ASSOCIATION OF DEMOCRATIC NATIONS. (a) FINDINGS.— The Congress makes the following findings: (1) It is the policy of the United States to support and promote democratic values and institutions around the world. (2) Over the last decade, the United States, in concert with other nations, has provided support to those working for democracy in many nations throughout the world. (3) Such support has advanced the cause of freedom and democracy in those nations by providing international technical expertise on holding free and fair elections, providing international observers to document the conduct of the elections, and in offering economic and humanitarian support to newly established democracies. (4) On June 8, 1989, at the commencement ceremonies at Benazir Bhutto. Harvard University, the newest leader of a democratic nation, Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan, called for the establishment of an Association of Democratic Nations to support the right of peoples everywhere to choose freely their own government. (5) The goals of the Association would be to promote— (A) the holding of elections at regular intervals which are open to the participation of all significant political parties, which are fairly administered, and in which the franchise is broad or universal; (B) respect for fundamental human rights, including freedom of expression, freedom of conscience, and freedom of association; (C) international recognition of legitimate elections through international election observer missions at all stages of the election, including the campaign, the voting, and the ballot counting; (D) the mobilization of international opinion and economic measures against the military overthrow of democratic governments; and