Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/603

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PUBLIC LAW 101-380—AUG. 18, 1990 104 STAT. 569 (E) improvements are necessary in security for TAPS. (3) CONSULTANTS. —(A) The Task Force shall retain at least one independent consulting firm with technical expertise in engineering, transportation, safety, the environment, and other applicable areas to assist the Task Force in carrying out this subsection. (B) Contracts with any such firm shall be entered into on a nationally competitive basis, and the Task Force shall not select any firm with respect to which there may be a conflict of interest in assisting the Task Force in carrying out the audit and review. All work performed by such firm shall be under the direct and immediate supervision of a registered engineer. (4) PUBLIC COMMENT. —The Task Force shall provide an opportunity for public comment on its activities including at a minimum the following: (A) Before it begins its audit and review, the Task Force shall review reports prepared by other Government entities conducting reviews of TAPS and shall consult with those Government entities that are conducting ongoing investigations including the General Accounting Office. It shall also hold at least 2 public hearings, at least 1 of which shall be held in a community affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Members of the public shall be given an opportunity to present both oral and written testimony. (B) The Task Force shall provide a mechanism for the confidential receipt of information concerning TAPS, which may include a designated telephone hotline. (5) TASK FORCE REPORT. —The Task Force shall publish a draft report which it shall make available to the public. The public will have at least 30 days to provide comments on the draft report. Based on its draft report and the public comments thereon, the Task Force shall prepare a final report which shall include its findings, conclusions, and recommendations made as a result of carrying out such audit. The Task Force shall transmit (and make available to the public), no later than 2 years after the date on which funding is made available under paragraph (7), its final report to the President, the Congress, and the Governor of Alaska. (6) PRESIDENTIAL REPORT. —The President shall, within 90 days after receiving the Task Forces report, transmit a report to the Congress and the Governor of Alaska outlining what mesisures have been taken or will be taken to implement the Task Forces recommendations. The President's report shall include recommended changes, if any, in Federal and State law to enhance the safety and operation of TAPS. (7) EARMARK. —Of amounts in the Fund, $5,000,000 shall be available, subject to appropriations, annually without fiscal year limitation to carry out the requirements of this section. (c) GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND POWERS OF THE TASK FORCE.— (1) AUDIT ACCESS. —The Comptroller General of the United States, and any of his or her duly appointed representatives, shall have access, for purposes of audit and examination, to any books, documents, papers, and records of the Task Force that are pertinent to the funds received and expended by the Task Force. Contracts. Classified information.