Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/78

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104 STAT. 44 PUBLIC LAW 101-246—FEB. 16, 1990 Contracts. 22 USC 3941 note. Reports. Education. 22 USC 2665a. (f) REPORT TO CONGRESS ON STATUS OF UNDERREPRESENTED GROUPS AT THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE.— Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall prepare and submit to the Congress a report concerning efforts of the Department of State to improve the percentage of individuals who are at the assistant secretary and head of bureau level at the Department of State from groups which are underrepresented in the Foreign Service in terms of the cultural and ethnic diversity of the Foreign Service. (g) STUDY OF FOREIGN SERVICE EXAMINATION. —The Secretary of State shall enter into a contract with a private organization for a comprehensive review and evaluation of the Foreign Service examination. Such review and evaluation shall— (1) identify any cultural, racial, ethnic, and sexual bias; (2) evaluate the ability of the examination to measure an individual's aptitude for and potential in the Foreign Service; (3) consider the relevance of the Foreign Service examination to the work of a Foreign Service officer; (4) make recommendations for the removal of any element of bias in the examination; and (5) make recommendations for improvements to achieve an examination free of any bias. Not more than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall prepare and submit a report to the Congress which contains the findings of such review and evaluation, together with the comments of the Secretary and measures which the Secretary has initiated to respond to any adverse findings of such review. Such report shall take into consideration the current efforts by the Department of State to review its Foreign Service examination. (h) FOREIGN SERVICE FELLOWSHIPS. —The Secretary of State is authorized to establish a Foreign Service fellowship program at the Department of State. The Foreign Service fellowship program shall provide a fellowship, for not less than 4 months, for academics in the area of international affairs who are members of the faculty of institutions of higher education. Such program shall give priority consideration in the award of fellowships to individuals teaching in programs in international affairs which serve significant numbers of students who are from cultural and ethnic groups which are underrepresented in the Foreign Service. SEC. 154. REPORT TO CONGRESS CONCERNING POLYGRAPH PROGRAM. (a) REPORT TO CONGRESS. —Not later than January 31, of each of the years 1990 and 1991, the Secretary of State shall prepare and submit an annual report on the polygraph program of the Department of State to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate. (h) CONTENTS OF REPORT.—The report shall provide an assessment of the implementation of the polygraph program during the preceding fiscal year. Together with such other information and comments as the Secretary considers appropriate, the report shall include the following: (1) Data on the number of lie-detector tests administered. (2) A description of the purposes and results of such tests.