Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/825

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PUBLIC LAW 101-392—SEPT. 25, 1990 104 STAT. 791 "(C) ensure that such students are placed in appropriate employment; "(6) provide equal access to the full range of technical preparation programs to individuals who are members of special populations, including the development of tech-prep education program services appropriate to the needs of such individuals; and "(7) provide for preparatory services which assist all participants in such programs. "(c) ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES.—Each such program may— "(1) provide for the acquisition of tech-prep education program equipment; and "(2) as part of the program's planning activities, acquire technical assistance from State or local entities that have successfully designed, established and operated tech-prep programs. "SEC. 345. APPLICATIONS. "(a) IN GENERAL.— Each consortium that desires to receive a grant under this part shall submit an application to the Secretary or the State board, as appropriate, at such time and in such manner as the Secretary or the State board, as appropriate, shall prescribe. "(b) THREE-YEAR PLAN. — Each application submitted under this section shall contain a 3-year plan for the development and implementation of activities under this part. "(c) APPROVAL.—The Secretary or the State board, as appropriate, shall approve applications based on their potential to create an effective tech-prep education program as provided for in section 344. "(d) SPECIAL CONSIDERATION. —The Secretary or the State board, as appropriate, shall give special consideration to applications which— "(1) provide for effective employment placement activities or transfer of students to 4-year baccalaureate degree programs; "(2) are developed in consultation with business, industry, and labor unions; and "(3) address effectively the issues of dropout prevention and re-entry and the needs of minority youths, youths of limited English proficiency, youths with handicaps, and disadvantaged youths. "(e) EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF ASSISTANCE. — In making grants under this part, the Secretary shall ensure an equitable distribution of assistance among States and the Secretary or the State board, as appropriate, shall ensure an equitable distribution of assistance between urban and rural consortium participants. "(f) NOTICE.— (1) In the case of grants to be made by the Secretary, each consortium that submits an application under this section shall provide notice of such submission and a copy of such application to the State educational agency and the State agency for higher education of the State in which the consortium is located. "(2) The Secretary shall notify the State educational agency, the State agency for higher education, and the State council on vocational education of any State each time a consortium located in such State is selected to receive a grant under this part. 20 USC 2394c. Employment and unemployment. Business and industry. Minorities. Handicapped persons. Disadvemtaged persons. Urban areas. Rureil areas.