Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/862

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104 STAT. 828 PUBLIC LAW 101-392—SEPT. 25, 1990 Education of the Handicapped Act who have individualized education programs that include vocational education programs; "(IV) the extent to which special personnel such as special education personnel or vocational rehabilitation personnel assist in the selection and provision of vocational education programs with respect to such students; "(V) the extent to which such students and their parents are involved in selecting vocational education courses and programs; "(VI) the number of such students who have returned to secondary vocational education programs after dropping out of or formally exiting the local educational system; and "(VII) the ages of such students. "(C) In conducting the study required by this subsection, the General Accounting Office may consider and include information from other sources to address or augment the issues considered in the study. Reports. "(4) The General Accounting Office shall submit to the appropriate committees of the Congress a report describing the results of the study conducted as required by this subsection not later than July 1, 1995. " (b) INFORMATION RELATING TO STUDENTS WHO HAVE COMPLETED SECONDARY SCHOOL.— (1) To carry out the provisions of this section, in accordance with the provisions of section 3 of the Technology Assessment Act of 1972, the Office of Technology Assessment shall conduct an assessment of a sample of tests designed to be administered to students who have completed secondary school to assess the level of technical knowledge relating to broad technical fields possessed by such students. The assessment shall include at least— "(A) an assessment of the quality, validity, reliability, and predictive capability of widely used vocational aptitude and competency tests and assessments, with particular attention to— "(i) the use of such assessments with respect to students who are members of special populations; and "(ii) patterns of actual usage with respect to entry into vocational education programs, promotion within such programs, completion of such programs, and placement in appropriate positions; "(B) identification of trends in such tests and assessments, including any relationship to vocational education curricula; and "(C) identification of policy options for— "(i) strengthening development and quality of such tests and assessments to ensure that such tests and assessments are conducted in an impartial manner that does not penalize students on the basis of race, sex, or economic background; and "(ii) means of sustaining competition in the development of such tests and assessments. Reports. "(2) The results of the study required by paragraph (1) shall be reported to the appropriate committees of the Congress not later than September 30, 1994.".