Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/910

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104 STAT. 876 PUBLIC LAW 101-404—OCT. 2, 1990 (c) PERIOD OF ISSUANCE.—The Secretary may issue the coins minted under this Act during the 1-year period beginning at the end of the 6-month period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act. (d) CONTRACT CONSULTATION. — A contract involving the promotion, advertising, or marketing of coins authorized under this Act may be made by the Secretary after consultation with the President of the USO. 31 USC 5112 SEC. 7. SALE OF COINS. (a) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall sell the coins minted under this Act at a price equal to the face value, plus the cost of designing and issuing the coins (including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and overhead expenses). (b) BULK SALES.— The Secretary shall make any bulk sales of the coins minted under this Act at a reasonable discount. (c) PREPAID ORDERS AT A DISCOUNT.— The Secretary shall accept prepaid orders for the coins minted under this Act prior to the issuance of such coins. Sales under this subsection shall be at a reasonable discount. (d) SURCHARGES. — All sales of coins minted under this Act shall include a surcharge of $7 per coin. 31 USC 5112 SEC. 8. FINANCIAL ASSURANCES. (a) No NET COST TO GOVERNMENT. —The Secretary shall take such actions as may be necessary to ensure that minting and issuing coins under tlus Act will not result in any net cost to the Federal G<)vernment. (b) PAYMENT FOR COINS.—A coin shall not be issued under this Act unless the Secretary has received— (1) full payment for the coin; (2) security satisfactory to the Secretary to indemnify the United States for full payment; or (3) a guarantee of full payment satisfactory to the Secretary from a depository institution whose deposits are insured by the Federal Government. 31 USC 5112 SEC. 9. USE OF SURCHARGES. (a) IN GENERAL.— Surcharges received from the sale of coins minted under this Act and deposited in the coinage profit fund under section 12 shall be used as follows: (1) USO PROGRAMS.— 50 percent shall be promptly paid to the USO. Such amounts shall be used by the USO to fund programs, including airport centers, fleet centers, family and community centers, and celebrity entertainment. (2) REDUCTION OP NATIONAL DEBT. — 5 0 percent shall be transferred to the general fund of the Treasury for the sole purpose of reducing the national debt. db) AUDIT.— The Comptroller General of the United States shall have the right to examine the books, records, documents, and other data of the USO that relate to the expenditure of amounts paid under subsection (a). 31 USC 5112 SEC. 10. REPORT TO CONGRESS. The Secretary shall submit to the Congress semiannual reports regarding the activities carried out under this Act. The first report shall be submitted at the end of the 1-year period beginning on the