Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/1012

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104 STAT. 1388-604 PUBLIC LAW 101-508—NOV. 5, 1990 "(C) social security outlays; among each committee of the Senate that has jurisdiction over legislation providing or creating such amounts. "(3) AMOUNTS NOT ALLOCATED.— (A) In the House of Representatives, if a committee receives no allocation of new budget authority, entitlement authority, or outlays, that committee shall be deemed to have received an allocation equal to zero for new budget authority, entitlement authority, or outlays. "(B) In the Senate, if a committee receives no allocation of new budget authority, outlays, or social security outlays, that committee shall be deemed to have received an sdlocation equal to zero for new budget authority, outlays, or social security outlays. "(b) SUBALLOCATIONS BY COMMITTEES.— "(1) SUBALLOCATIONS BY APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEES.— As soon as practicable after a budget resolution is agreed to, the Committee on Appropriations of each House (after consulting with the Committee on Appropriations of the other House) shall suballocate each amount allocated to it for the budget year under subsection (a)(1)(A) or (a)(2) among its subcommittees. Each Committee on Appropriations shall promptly report to its House suballocations made or revised under this paragraph. "(2) SUBALLOCATIONS BY OTHER COMMITTEES OF THE SENATE. — Each other committee of the Senate to which an allocation under subsection (a)(2) is made in the joint explanatory statement may subdivide each amount allocated to it under subsection (a) among its subcommittees or among programs over which it has jurisdiction and shall promptly report any such suballocations to the Senate. Section 302(c) shall not apply in the Senate to committees other than the Committee on Appropriations. "(c) APPLICATION OF SECTION 302(f) TO THIS SECTION.—In fiscal years through 1995, reference in section 302(f) to the appropriate allocation made pursuant to section 302(b) for a fiscal year shall, for purposes of this section, be deemed to be a reference to any allocation made under subsection (a) or any suballocation made under subsection (b), as applicable, for the fiscal year of the resolution or for the total of all fiscal years made by the joint explanatory statement accompanying the applicable concurrent resolution on the budget. In the House of Representatives, the preceding sentence shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 1991. "(d) APPLICATION OF SUBSECTIONS (a) AND (b) TO FISCAL YEARS 1992 TO 1995. —In the case of concurrent resolutions on the budget for fiscal years 1992 through 1995, allocations shall be made under subsection (a) instead of section 302(a) and shall be made under subsection (b) instead of section 302(b). For those fiscal years, all references in sections 302(c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) to section 302(a) shall be deemed to be to subsection (a) (including revisions made under section 604) and all such references to section 302(b) shall be deemed to be to subsection (b) (including revisions made under section 604).". "(e) PAY-AS-You-Go EXCEPTION IN THE HOUSE.—Section 302(f)(l) and, after April 15 of any calendar year section 303(a), shall not apply to any bill, joint resolution, amendment thereto, or conference report thereon if, for each fiscal year covered by the most recently agreed to concurrent resolution on the budget— "(1) the enactment of such bill or resolution as reported; "(2) the adoption and enactment of such amendment; or