Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/135

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PUBLIC LAW 101-476—OCT. 30, 1990 104 STAT. 1115 comment in the Federal Register every 3 years a program information plan describing such information nee<k. Such program information plan shall be used to determine the priorities for, and activities carried out under, this subsection to produce, organize, and increase utilization of program information. Such program information plan shall be included in the annual report submitted under section 618 every 3 years. "(4) In providing funds under this subsection, the Secretary shall require recipients to prepare their procedures, findings, and other relevant information in a form that will maximize their dissemination and use, especially through dissemination networks and mechanisms authorized by this Act, and in a form for inclusion in the annual report to Congress authorized under subsection (g). "(d)(1) The Secretary shall enter into cooperative agreements with State educational agencies and other State agencies to carry out studies to assess the impact and effectiveness of programs, policies, and procedures assisted under this Act. "(2) The agreements referred to in paragraph (1) shall— "(A) provide for the payment of not more than 60 percent of the total cost of studies conducted by a participating State agency to assess the impact and effectiveness of this Act; and "(B) be developed in consultation with the State Advisory Panel established under section 613(a)(12), local educational agencies, and others involved in, or concerned with, the education of children and youth with disabilities and the provision of early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities. "(3) The Secretary shall provide technical assistance to participating State agencies in the implementation of the study design, analy- sis, and reporting procedures. "(e)(1) The Secretary shall by grant, contract, or cooperative agreement, provide for special studies to assess progress in the implementation of this Act, and to assess the impact and effectiveness of State and local efforts and efforts by the Secretary of the Interior to provide free appropriate public education to children and youth with disabilities, and early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities. Reports from such studies shall include recommendations for improving programs and services to such individuals. The Secretary shall, beginning in fiscal year 1993 and Federal for every third year thereafter, submit to the appropriate commit- ^e}?*®y"? tees of each House of the Congress and publish in the Federal Publication. Register proposed priorities for review and comment. ' (2) In selecting priorities for fiscal years 1991 through 1994, the Secretary may give first consideration to— "(A) completing a longitudinal study of a sample of students with disabilities, examining— "(i) the full range of disabling conditions; "(ii) the educational progress of students with disabilities while in special education; and "(iii) the occupational, educational, and independent living status of students with disabilities after graduating from secondary school or otherwise leaving special education. "(B) conducting pursuant to this subsection a nationally representative study focusing on the types, number, and intensity of related services provided to children with disabilities by disability category.