PUBLIC LAW 101-501—NOV. 3, 1990 104 STAT. 1223 Sec. 205. Research and evaluation contracts. Sec. 206. Evaluation. Sec. 207. General and administrative provisions. Sec. 208. Participation in other educational activities. Sec. 209. Technical amendment. TITLE III—AMENDMENTS TO THE STATE DEPENDENT CARE DEVELOPMENT GRANTS ACT Sec. 301. Amendments to the State Dependent Care Development Grants Act. Sec. 302. Waiver of existing percentage setaside of allotments. Sec. 303. Operation costs of after school care programs authorized. Sec. 304. Report by grant recipients. Sec. 305. Technical amendments. TITLE IV—AMENDMENTS TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT ACT Sec. 401. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 402. Eligible entities. Sec. 403. State allocations. Sec. 404. Applications and requirements. Sec. 405. Discretionary authority of Secretary. Sec. 406. Community food and nutrition. Sec. 407. Annual report. Sec. 408. Technical amendment. TITLE V—AMENDMENTS TO THE CHILD DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE SCHOLARSHIP ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1985 Sec. 501. Adequacy of scholarships. Sec. 502. Definitions. Sec. 503. Authorization of appropriations. TITLE VI—AMENDMENTS RELATING TO DEMONSTRATION PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTS ADDRESSING THE NEEDS OF THE POOR Sec. 601. Programs for special populations. Sec. 602. Authorization of appropriations. TITLE VII—AMENDMENTS TO THE LOW-INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1981 Sec. 70L Forward funding of LIHEAP. Sec. 702. Reauthorization. Sec. 703. State allotments. Sec. 704. Application. Sec. 705. Authority to use funds for weatherization. Sec. 706. Authority to carry funds over. Sec. 707. Leveraging incentive program. Sec. 708. Withholding of funds. TITLE Vni—AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTERS ACT Sec. 801. Authorization of appropriations. TITLE IX—COORDINATED SERVICES FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND FAMILIES Sec. 901. Short title. Sec. 902. Findings. Sec. 903. Definitions. Subtitle A—Establishment of Administration and Awarding of Grants for Programs CHAPTER 1—ADMINISTRATION ON CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND FAMILIES Sec. 915. Establishment of the Administration on Children, Youth, and Families. Sec. 916. Functions of the Commissioner. Sec. 917. Federal agency consultations. Sec. 918. Federal Council on Children, Youth, and Families. Sec. 919. Administration.