Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/260

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104 STAT. 1240 PUBLIC LAW 101-501—NOV. 3, 1990 tion, mental health, nutrition, parenting education, literacy, social service (including substance abuse treatment, education, and prevention), and educational needs of low-income students and their families, including the use of a developmentally appropriate curriculum such as a model approach under the Follow Through Act; (4) a plan for the development of a supportive services team of family service coordinators to— (A) assist families, administrators and teachers to respond to health, immunization, mental health, nutrition, social service and educational needs of students; (B) conduct home visits and help studente and their families to obtain health, immunization, mental health, nutrition, parenting education, literacy, education (including tutoring and remedial services), and social services (including substance abuse treatment, education and prevention), for which such students and their families are eligible; (C) coordinate a family outreach and support program, including a plan for involving parents in the management of the program assisted under this subtitle, in cooperation with parental involvement efforts undertaken pursuant to the Follow Through Act, chapter 1 of title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, the Head Start Act, part B of chapter 1 of title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (Even Start), and the Education of the Handicapped Act of 1975; (D) assist families, administrators, and teachers in enhancing developmental continuity between the programs assisted under the Head Start Act and elementary school classes; and (E) prepare a plan for the transition of each child from Head Start or comparable programs to kindergarten, including— (i) a meeting of the early childhood development program teacher with the kindergarten teacher and the child's parents to discuss the transition of each child and to address any particular educational needs of such child; and (ii) the transfer of knowledge about the child, including the transfer (with parental consent) of written records from the early childhood development program teacher to the kindergarten teacher to become part of the school record of the child; (5) the designation of a member of the supportive services team described in paragraph (4) who will serve as the supervisor of such supportive services team; (6) assurances that State agencies, local agencies, and community-based organizations that provide supportive services to lowincome students served by such Head Start agency or local educational agency have been consulted in the preparation of the plan described in paragraph (4); (7) assurances that State agencies, local agencies, and community-based organizations that provide supportive services to lowincome students served by such Head Start agency or local educational agency will designate an individual who will act as a liaison to the supportive services team described in paragraph (4); (8) a description of the target population to be served by the supportive services team described in paragraph (4) including