PUBLIC LAW 101-445—OCT. 22, 1990 104 STAT. 1039 (9) provide scientific and technical assistance, training, and consultation to State and local governments for the purpose of— (A) obtaining dietary and nutrition status data; (B) developing related data bases; and (C) promoting the development of regional. State, and local data collection services to become an integral component of a national nutritional status network; (10) establish mechanisms to identify the needs of users of nutrition monitoring data and to encourage the private sector and the academic community to participate in the development and implementation of the comprehensive plan and contribute relevant data from non-Federal sources to promote the development of a national nutritional status network; (11) compile an inventory of Federal, State, and nongovernment activities related to nutrition monitoring and related research; (12) focus on national nutrition monitoring needs while building on the responsibilities and expertise of the individual membership of the Board; (13) administer the coordinated program, define program objectives, priorities, oversight, responsibilities, and resources, and define the organization and management of the Board and the Council; and (14) provide a mechanism for periodically evaluating and refining the coordinated program and the comprehensive plan that facilitates cooperation and interaction by State and local governments, the private sector, scientific communities, and hesilth care professionals, and that facilitates coordination with non-Federal activities. (c) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF PLAN. —The comprehensive plan shall— (1) allocate all of the projected functions and activities under the coordinated program among the various Federal agencies and offices that will be involved; (2) contain an affirmative statement and description of the functions to be performed and activities to be undertaken by each of such agencies and offices in carrying out the coordinated program; and (3) constitute the basis on which each agency participating in the coordinated program requests authorizations and appropriations for nutrition monitoring and related research during the ten-year period of the program. (d) PUBLICATION OF PLAN.— (1) PROPOSED PLAN.— Within 12 Federal months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretaries shall ^® | E | ?*®f•' publish in the Federal Register a proposed comprehensive plan for ^" public review for a comment period of no less than sixty days. (2) FINAL PLAN. —Within sixty days after the comment period under paragraph (1) expires, and after considering any comments received, the Secretaries shall submit to the President, for submission to the Congress and for publication in the Federal Register, the final comprehensive plan. (e) PROHIBITION ON CONSTRUING.— Nothing in this section may be construed as modifying, or as authorizing the Secretaries or the comprehensive plan to modify, any provision of an appropriation Act (or any other provision of law relating to the use of appropriated funds) that specifies—