Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/125

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PUBLIC LAW 101-509—NOV. 5, 1990 104 STAT. 1477 mortgage, or encumber the property as specified in condition subsequent No. 2 as set forth at page 3 of that quitclaim Deed dated April 14, 1975, wherein the United States of America conveyed to New College of California, Inc., certain real property identified in that deed instrument. The intent purpose of such release and waiver being to enable New College of California, Inc., to secure needed financing for repairs to the facility, as identified in paragraph (b) necessitated by earthquake activity of October, 1989; such purpose to be included in the instrument releasing the requirement not to mortgage. (b) The property, sometimes known as 50 Fell Street, is described as: A parcel of land situated in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, said parcel being described in the Judgment on Declaration of Taking entered 11 March 1946 in Civil Action No. 25791 in the District Court of the United States in and for the Northern District of California, Southern Division, which was filed March 22, 1946, in the Office of the Recorder, City and County of San Francisco, California. Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Fell Street distant therefrom 100 feet easterly from the easterly line of Van Ness Avenue and running thence easterly along said line of Fell Street 109 feet; thence at a right angle northerly 120 feet; thence at a right angle westerly 109 feet; thence at a right angle southerly 120 feet to the Point of Beginning, being a portion of Western Addition, Block No. 69, and known on the assessor's map as Lot 10, Block 814, City and County of San Francisco, California. SEC. 627. (a) Agencies receiving funds appropriated by any Act and which award contracts under the Federal Acquisition Regulations shall provide to the General Accounting Office during October 1991, the following information for contracts awarded during fiscal year 1991— (1) the number and total dollar value of contracts awarded which required bonding of the contractors; (2) the number and total dollar value of contracts for which individual sureties were used to meet the bonding requirements; (3) the number of defaults by contractors using individual sureties and percentage they represent of total defaults; (4) the number of individual sureties who defaulted on their obligation and the total dollar value of such defaults; and (5) the number of contracts awarded to Minority Business Enterprises which required bonding of contractors and the number of these which used individual sureties to meet the bonding requirements. GJ) The General Accounting Office shall compile the information collected under subsection (a) and provide a report to the Senate and House Appropriations Committees no later than April 1, 1992. Such report shall include— (1) the percentage of contracts for which individual sureties were used to meet bonding requirements; (2) the percentage of total defaults by contractors using individual sureties; (3) the percentage of individual sureties which default on their obligations; and (4) the percentage of contracts awarded to Minority Business Enterprises for which individual sureties were used to meet bonding requirements. Government contracts. Reports.