PUBLIC LAW 101-510—NOV. 5, 1990 104 STAT. 1529 "§ 1597. Employees of industrial-type or commercial-type activities: guidelines for future reductions " (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF GuiDEUNES.— The Secretary of Defense shall establish guidelines for reductions in the number of civilian employees of the Department of Defense who are employed by industrial-t)T)e activities or commercial-type activities described in section 2208 of this title. These guidelines shall include procedures for reviewing civilian positions for reductions in those activities according to the following order: "(1) Positions filled by foreign national employees overseas. "(2) All other positions filled by civilian employees overseas. "(3) Overhead, indirect, and administrative positions in headquarters or field operating agencies in the United States. "(4) Direct operating or production positions in the United States. "0)) MASTER PLAN.—(1) Each agency or component of the Department of Defense that employs persons referred to in subsection (a) shall include in the materials submitted by the Secretary of Defense to Congress in support of the budget request for the Department of Defense for fiscal year 1992 a five-year civilian personnel master plan that includes the following: "(A) Demographic information on each activity, including number and type (overhead, administrative, or direct labor) of personnel in the activity. "(B) Current and projected workload and manpower requirements for each activity. "(2) Each agency or component of the Department of Defense that employs persons referred to in subsection (a) and whose budget request for a fiscal year would require a furlough for, or an involuntary reduction in, such employees shall include in the materials submitted by the Secretary of Defense to Congress in support of the budget request for the Department of Defense for that fiscal year a five-year civilian personnel master plan that contains the following: "(A) The information required under paragraph (1). "(B) A listing of all activities within the component or agency planning the furlough or involuntary reduction. "(C) An examination of the effect of such furlough or involuntary reduction on workload requirements. (D) A summary of the factors used by management to determine the size and location of the proposed furlough or involuntary reduction. "(c) EXCEPTION.—The Secretary of Defense may permit deviations from the guidelines established under subsection (a) or a master plan prepared under subsection (b) if the Secretary determines that such deviation is critical to the national security of the United States. The Secretary shall immediately notify the Congress of any such deviation and the reasons for such deviation.". (2) The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by adding at the end the following new item: "1597. Employees of industrial-t3T)e or commercial-type activities: guidelines for future reductions. ". (b) INVOLUNTARY REDUCTIONS OF CIVIUAN PERSONNEL IN FISCAL lo use 1597 YEAR 1991. —After the date of the enactment of this Act, an agency "°^- or component of the Department of Defense may not implement any involuntary reductions or furloughs of civilian personnel in industrial-t)T)e or commercial-t5T)e activities in fiscal year 1991 until 45