Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/184

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104 STAT. 1536 PUBLIC LAW 101-510—NOV. 5, 1990 "(i) is a citizen of the United States; and "(ii) is paid from nonappropriated funds of Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Navy Resale and Services Support Office, Marine Corps exchanges, or any other instrumentality of the United States under the jurisdiction of the Armed Forces which is conducted for the comfort, pleasure, contentment, or physical or mental improvement of members of the Armed Forces. "(B) The term 'civilian employee' has the meaning given the term 'employee' in section 2105(a) of title 5, United States Code.". PART D—ENVIRONMENTAL PROVISIONS SEC. 341. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT Subsection (b) of section 2706 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: "(b) REPORT ON ENVIRONMENTAL COMPUANCE. —(1) Each year, at the same time the President submits to Congress the budget for a fiscal year (pursuant to section 1105 of title 31), the Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress a report containing the following: "(A) A statement of the funding levels and full-time personnel required for the Department of Defense to comply with applicable environmental laws during the fiscal year for which the budget is submitted. The statement shall set forth separately the funding levels and personnel required for the Department of Defense as a whole and for each military installation. "(B) A statement of the funding levels and full-time personnel requested for such purposes in the budget as submitted by the President, together with an explanation of any differences between the funding level and personnel requirements and the funding level and personnel requests in the budget. The statement shall set forth separately the funding levels and full-time personnel requested for the Department of Defense as a whole and for each military installation. "(C) A projection of the funding levels and full-time personnel that will be required over the next five fiscal years for the Department of Defense to comply with applicable environmental laws, set forth separately for the Department of Defense as a whole and for each military installation. "(D) An analysis of the effect that compliance with such environmental laws may have on the operations and mission capabilities of the Department of Defense as a whole and of each military installation. "(E) A statement of the funding levels requested in the budget for carrying out research, development, testing, and evaluation for environmental purposes or environmental activities of the Department of Defense. The statement shall set forth separately the funding levels requested for the Department of Defense as a whole and for each military department and Defense > Agency. "(F) A description of the number and duties of current fulltime personnel, both civilian and military, who carry out environmental activities (including research) for the Department of Defense, including a description of the organizational