Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/306

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Regulations. 104 STAT. 1658 PUBLIC LAW 101-510—NOV. 5, 1990 37 USC 317 note. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—Section 317 of title 37, United States Code, as added by subsection (a), shall take effect as of October 1, 1991. SEC. 1204. DEFINITION OF SERVICE ACQUISITION EXECUTIVE Section 101 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: "(46) The term 'service acquisition executive' means the civilian official within a military department who is designated as the service acquisition executive for purposes of regulations and procedures providing for a service acquisition executive for that military department.", 10 USC 1746 SEC. 1205. DEFENSE ACQUISITION UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF STRUCTURE. — Not later than October 1, 1991, the Secretary of Defense, acting through the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, shall prescribe regulations for the initial structure for a defense acquisition university under section 1746 of title 10, United States Code (as added by section 1202). The regulations shall include the following: (1) Operation under a charter developed by the Secretary of Defense. (2) Establishment of a university mission to achieve objectives formulated by the Secretary of Defense. Such objectives shall include— (A) the achievement of more efficient and effective use of available acquisition resources by coordinating Department of Defense acquisition education and training programs and tailoring them to support the careers of personnel in acquisition positions; and (B) the development of education, training, research, and publication capabilities in the area of acquisition. (3) Establishment of appropriate lines of authority (including relationships between the university and each of the existing acquisition education and training institutions and activities) and accountability for the accomplishment of the university mission (as established by the Secretary). (4) A coherent framework for the educational development of personnel in acquisition positions. Such framework shall cover courses of instruction from the basic level through intermediate and senior levels. At the senior level, the framework shall provide for a senior course as a substitute for, and equivalent to, existing senior professional military educational school courses, specifically designed for personnel serving in critical acquisition positions. (5) Appropriate organizations, such as a policy guidance council, composed of senior Department of Defense officials, to recommend or establish policy, and a board of visitors, composed of persons selected for their preeminence in the fields of academia, business, and the defense industry, to advise on organization management, curricula, methods of instruction, facilities, and other matters of interest to the university. (6) An appropriate centralized mechanism, under the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, to control the allocation of resources for purposes of conducting mandatory acquisition courses and other training, education, and research activities to achieve the objectives of the university, such as funding for