Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/423

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PUBLIC LAW 101-510—NOV. 5, 1990 104 STAT. 1775 SEC. 2307. DESIGNATION OF INSTALLATION The Secretary of the Air Force shall provide that the installation which receives the last operational upgrade for the Minuteman II missile system shall be the installation from which the last Minuteman II missile is retired. SEC. 2308. RESTRICTION ON RELOCATION OR REALIGNMENT AT TONOPAH RESEARCH SITE, NEVADA None of the funds available to the Department of Defense during fiscal year 1991 may be used, directly or indirectly, to transfer, realign, relocate, or otherwise diminish any part of the 37th Tactical F%hter Wing at the Tonopah Research Site, Nevada, until after the 21-day period beginning on the date on which the Secretary of the Air Force transmits to the congressional defense committees a certification that any such action to be taken with respect to such Tactical Fighter Wing will be effective in meeting the Wing's mission and in reducing overall cost to the Air Force, taking into consideration the basing of units of the Air Force proposed in the multi-year defense plan in effect at the time of the certification. The Secretary shall include in any such certification an explanation and justification of the reasons for such conclusion. SEC. 2309. EXTENSION OF CERTAIN PRIOR YEAR AUTHORIZATIONS (a) EXTENSION OF AUTHORIZATION OF A CERTAIN FISCAL YEAR 1987 PROJECT.— Notwithstanding the provisions of section 2701(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act, 1987 (division B of Public Law 99-661; 100 Stat. 4040), authorization for the following project authorized in section 2301 of that Act, as extended by section 2305 of the Military Construction Authorization Act, 1989 (division B of Public Law 100-456; 102 Stat. 2115), shall remain in effect until October 1, 1991, or the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for fiscal year 1992, whichever is KC-135 CPT Simulator Facility in the amount of $890,000 at Beale Air Force Base, California. (b) EXTENSION OF AUTHORIZATION OF CERTAIN FISCAL YEAR 1989 PROJECTS. — Notwithstanding the provisions of section 2701(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act, 1989 (division B of Public Law 100-456; 102 Stat. 2108), authorizations for the following projects authorized in sections 2301 and 2303 of that Act shall remain in effect until October 1, 1991, or the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for fiscal year 1992, whichever is later: (1) F-111 Avionics Facility in the amount of $1,300,000 at Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico. (2) Aircraft Operational Apron-Phase I in the amount of $4,950,000; Intelligence Facility-Phase II in the amount of $2,250,000; Special Operations Forces Helicopter Maintenance Facility in the amount of $4,100,000; Special Operations Forces Hangar/Nose Dock in the amount of $2,100,000; and Special Operations Forces Hydrant Fueling System in the amount of $800,000 at Clark Air Base, Philippines. (3) Defense Language Institute Language Training Laboratory in the amount of $12,000,000 at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. (4) Land Acquisition in the amount of $2,300,000 at Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma.