Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/561

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PUBLIC LAW 101-511—NOV. 5, 1990 104 STAT. 1913 described in this section: Provided further, That any person who violates this section shall be fined not more than $1,000. SEC. 8141. In addition to funds appropriated or otherwise made available in this Act, $165,000,000 is appropriated only for military personnel in title I, and $85,000,000 is appropriated only for the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) in title II: Provided, That $165,000,000 shall be transferred to the appropriate military personnel appropriations provided in title I of this Act and $85,000,000 shall be transferred to the appropriate operation and maintenance appropriations provided in title II of this Act to be merged with and available for the same purposes and time period as the appropriations to which transferred: Provided further, That this transfer authority shall be in addition to any other transfer authority contained in this Act. SEC. 8142. Funds appropriated by this Act for the Advanced Tactical Fighter program may be obligated for full-scale development without regard to obligational limitations with respect to that program prescribed in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991: Provided, That, notwithstanding any other provision of law, none of the unobligated balances or any other funds contained in the National Defense Stockpile Transaction Fund may be transferred or otherwise made available during fiscal year 1991 to the account established under section 2371(e) of title 10, United States Code. TITLE IX DESERT SHIELD SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS (TRANSFER OF FUNDS) For incremental costs of Operation Desert Shield $1,000,000,000 is appropriated for transfer from the Defense Cooperation Account, established under section 2608 of title 10, United States Code, to operation and maintenance appropriations of the Department of Defense only to reimburse incremental expenditures made for fuel, transportation, equipment maintenance and purchases from stock