Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/696

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104 STAT. 2048 PUBLIC LAW 101-513—NOV. 5, 1990 50 USC 1701 note. President. 50 USC 1701 note. President. take other appropriate actions, to bring about an end to Iraq's occupation of Kuwait; and (7) condemns the brutal occupation of Kuwait by Iraq and its gross violations of internationaly recognized human rights in Kuwait, including widespread arrests, torture, siunmary executions, and mass extrajudicial killings. SEC. 586B. CONSULTATIONS WITH CONGRESS. The President shall keep the Congress fully informed, and shall consult with the Congress, with respect to current and anticipated events regarding the international crisis caused by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, including with respect to United States actions. SEC. 586C. TRADE EMBARGO AGAINST IRAQ. (a) CONTINUATION OF EMBARGO. — Except as otherwise provided in this section, the President shall continue to impose the trade embargo and other economic sanctions with respect to Iraq and Kuwait that the United States is imposing, in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, pursuant to Executive Orders Numbered 12724 and 12725 (August 9, 1990) and, to the extent they are still in effect. Executive Orders Numbered 12722 and 12723 (August 2, 1990). Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no funds, credits, guarantees, or insurance appropriated or otherwise made available by this or any other Act for fiscal year 1991 or any fiscal year thereafter shall be used to support or administer any financial or commercial operation of any United States Government department, agency, or other entity, or of any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, for the benefit of the Government of Iraq, its agencies or instrumentalities, or any person working on behalf of the Government of Iraq, contrary to the trade embargo and other economic sanctions imposed in accordance with this section. (b) HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE. — To the extent that transactions involving foodstuffs or pa3mients for foodstuffs are exempted "in humanitarian circumstances" from the prohibitions established by the United States pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution 661 (1990), those exemptions shall be limited to foodstuffs that are to be provided consistent with United Nations Security Council Resolution 666 (1990) and other relevant Security Council resolutions. (c) NOTICE TO CONGRESS OF EXCEPTIONS TO AND TERMINATION OF SANCTIONS. — (1) NOTICE OF REGULATIONS. — Any regulations issued after the date of enactment of this Act with respect to the economic sanctions imposed with respect to Iraq and Kuwait by the United States under Executive Orders Numbered 12722 and 12723 (August 2, 1990) and Executive Orders Numbered 12724 and 12725 (August 9, 1990) shall be submitted to the Congress before those regulations take effect. (2) NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF SANCTIONS. —The President shall notify the Congress at least 15 days before the termination, in whole or in part, of any sanction imposed with respect to Iraq or Kuwait pursuant to those Executive orders. (d) RELATION TO OTHER LAWS.— (1) SANCTIONS LEGISLATION. — The sanctions that are described in subsection (a) are in addition to, and not in lieu of the sanctions provided for in section 586G of this Act or any other provision of law.