Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/788

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104 STAT. 2140 PUBLIC LAW 101-515—NOV. 5, 1990 this Act to the Small Business Administration shall be used to adopt, implement, or enforce any rule or regulation with respect to the Small Business Development Center program authorized by section 21 of the Small Business Act, as amended (15 U.S.C. 648), nor may any of such funds be used to impose any restrictions, conditions or limitations on such program whether by standard operating procedure, audit guidelines or otherwise, unless such restrictions, conditions or limitations were in effect on October 1, 1987: Provided further, That none of the funds appropriated for the Small Business Administration under this Act may be used to impose any new or increased loan guaranty fee or debenture guaranty fee: Provided further. That none of the funds appropriated for the Small Business Administration under this Act may be used to impose any new or increased user fee or management assistance fee. In addition, nothing herein shall preclude the Small Business Administration from preparing or formulating, but not publishing in the Federal Register, proposed rules, nor shall anything herein apply to uniform common rules applicable to multiple Federal departments and agencies, including the Small Business Administration; nor may any of the funds provided in this paragraph restrict in any way the right of association of participants in such program. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) SEC. 1. DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR. 15 USC 633. (a) Section 4 of the Small Business Act is amended by striking "The Administrator is authorized to appoint a Deputy Administrator and" from the fourth sentence of paragraph (1) of subsection (b) and inserting in lieu thereof the following: The President also may appoint a Deputy Administrator, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Administrator is authorized to appoint". 15 USC 633 note. (b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall apply to any vacancy in the position of Deputy Administrator of the Small Business Administration after the effective date of this Act. SEC. 2. JOINT VENTURES WITH TRIBALLY OWNED PARTICIPANTS IN THE 8(a) PROGRAM. Section 602 of the Business Opportunity Development Reform Act of 1988 (15 U.S.C. 637 note) is amended— (1) in subsection (c), by striking "two" and inserting "5", and (2) in subsection (e), by striking "September 30, 1991" and inserting "September 30, 1992". SEC. 3. INTEREST RATE ON CERTIFIED DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LOANS. Section 112 of the Small Business Administration Reauthorization 15 USC 697 note, and Amendment Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-590) is amended by striking from the end of subsection (c) "October 1, 1990" and by inserting in lieu thereof "October 1, 1994". Inter- SEC. 4. NATURAL RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT. Grov6i*iiin6iit^l relations. The Small Business Act is amended by adding the following new section: 15 USC 651. "SEC. 24. (a) The Administrator is authorized to make grants to or to enter into contracts with any State for the purpose of contracting