Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/886

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104 STAT. 2238 PUBLIC LAW 101-518—NOV. 5, 1990 (B) in section 11 (section 9-610, D.C. Code), by striking "titles V and XVII" and inserting "titles V and XVII and section 801(e)". (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by subsection (a) shall take effect as if included in the enactment of the Residency Preference Amendment Act of 1988. SEC. 137. None of the funds provided in this Act may be used by the District of Columbia to provide for the salaries, expenses, or other costs associated with, the offices of United States Senator or United States Representative under section 4(d) of D.C. Law 3-171 (sec. l-113(d), D.C. Code). SEC. 138. (a) The proviso under the heading "Public Works" in the Dire Emergency Supplemental Appropriation for Disaster Assistance, Food Stamps, Unemployment Compensation Administration, and Other Urgent Needs, and Transfers, and Reducing Funds Budgeted for Military Spending Act of 1990, approved May 25, 1990 (Public Law 101-302; 104 Stat. 241), shall remain in effect until September 30, 1991. (b) Chapter IX of title II of the Dire Emergency Supplemental Appropriation for Disaster Assistance, Food Stamps, Unemployment Compensation Administration, and Other Urgent Needs, and Transfers, and Reducing Funds Budgeted for Military Spending Act of 1990, approved May 25, 1990 (Public Law 101-302; 104 Stat. 241), is amended in the item relating to "Public Safety and Justice" by striking "current operating revenues collected during fiscal year 1991 and not from". SEC. 139. (a) Up to 75 officers or members of the Metropolitan Police Department who were hired before February 14, 1980, and who retire on disability before the end of calendar year 1991 shall be excluded from the computation of the rate of disability retirement under subsection 145(a) of the District of Columbia Retirement Reform Act, as amended, approved September 30, 1983 (97 Stat. 727; D.C. Code, sec. l-725(a)), for purposes of reducing the authorized Federal payment to the District of Columbia Police Officers and Fire Fighters' Retirement Fund pursuant to subsection 145(c) of the District of Columbia Retirement Reform Act. (b) The Mayor, within 30 days after the enactment of this Act, shall engage an enrolled actuary, to be paid by the District of Columbia Retirement Board, and shall comply with the requirements of section 142(d) and section 144(d) of the District of Columbia Retirement Reform Act of 1979 (Public Law 96-122, D.C. Code, sees. l-722(d) and l-724(d)). (c) If any of the 75 light duty positions that may become vacant under subsection (a) are filled, a civilian employee shall be hired to fill that position or shall be filled by an officer or member of the Metropolitan Police Department for a temporary period of time. (d) The limited duty policy of the Metropolitan Police Department shall be that in effect prior to July 8, 1990, unless ordered by the relevant court.