Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/904

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104 STAT. 2256 PUBLIC LAW 101-520—NOV. 5, 1990 CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE SENATE SENATE POLICY COMMITTEES For salaries and expenses of the Majority Policy Committee and the Minority Policy Committee, $1,142,000 for each such committee; in all, $2,284,000, to remain available until expended. INQUIRIES AND INVESTIGATIONS For expenses of inquiries and investigations ordered by the Senate, or conducted pursuant to section 134(a) of Public Law 601, Seventy-ninth Congress, as amended, section 112 of Public Law 96-304 and Senate Resolution 281, agreed to March 11, 1980, $70,773,000, to remain available until expended. EXPENSES OF UNITED STATES SENATE CAUCUS ON INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL For expenses of the United States Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, $325,000. SECRETARY OF THE SENATE For expenses of the Office of the Secretary of the Senate, $803,000, to remain available until expended. SERGEANT AT ARMS AND DOORKEEPER OF THE SENATE For expenses of the Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, $89,756,000, to remain available until expended. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS For miscellaneous items, $8,325,500, to remain available until expended: Provided, That not to exceed $100,000 shall be available to the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, for the purchase of equipment to implement closed captioning of Senate proceedings: Provided further, That effective in the case of fiscal years beginning after September 30, 1990, section 120 of Public Law 97-51 (2 U.S.C. 61g-6) is amended by striking out "$50,000" and inserting in lieu thereof "$75,000". SENATORS' OFFICIAL PERSONNEL AND OFFICE EXPENSE ACCOUNT For Senators' Official Personnel and Office Expense Account, $171,000,000, to remain available until expended. STATIONERY (REVOLVING FUND) For stationery for the President of the Senate, $4,500, for officers of the Senate and the Conference of the Majority and Conference of the Minority of the Senate, $8,500; in all, $13,000. OFFICIAL MAIL COSTS For expenses necessary for official mail costs of the Senate, $30,000,000, to remain available until expended to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate: Provided, That funds appropriated for