Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/950

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104 STAT. 2302 PUBLIC LAW 101-524—NOV. 6, 1990 "(g) Matter otherwise legally acceptable in the mails which constitutes a solicitation by a nongovernmental entity for information or the contribution of funds or membership fees and contains a seal, insignia, trade or brand name, or any other term or symbol that reasonably could be interpreted or construed as implying any Federal Government connection, approval or endorsement is nonmailable matter and shall not be carried or delivered by mail, and shall be disposed of as the Postal Service directs, unless— "(1) such nongovernmental entity has such expressed connection, approval or endorsement; "(2)(A) such matter bears on its face, in conspicuous and legible type in contrast by typography, layout, or color with other printing on its face, in accordance with regulations which the Postal Service shall prescribe, the following notice: 'THIS ORGANIZATION HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED OR EN- DORSED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, AND THIS OFFER IS NOT BEING MADE BY AN AGENCY OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.', or a notice to the same effect in words which the Postal Service may prescribe; and "(B) the envelope or outside cover or wrapper in which such matter is mailed bears on its face in capital letters and in conspicuous and legible t5T)e, in accordance with regulations which the Postal Service shall prescribe, the following notice: THIS IS NOT A GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT.', or a notice to the same effect in words which the Postal Service may prescribe; or "(3) such matter is contained in a publication for which the addressee has paid or promised to pay a consideration or which he has otherwise indicated he desires to receive, except that this paragraph shall not apply if the solicitation is on behalf of the publisher of the publication.". (b) DECEPTIVE MAIUNGS AS FALSE REPRESENTATIONS. —Section 3005(a) of title 39, United States Code, is amended by striking out "section 3001(d)" each place that it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "section 3001(d), (a or (g)". SEC. 3. REVIEW AND REPORT BY THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. No later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the United States Postal Service shall— (1)(A) conduct a comprehensive review to determine if the provisions of section 123.33 of the Domestic Mail Manual (as in effect on such date of enactment) are being appropriately observed; and (B) take appropriate measures to ensure that any misapplication or misunderstanding of such provisions is corrected among any postal personnel who are responsible for carrying them out; (2) conduct a comprehensive review to determine the feasibility of establishing a procedure whereby a sender of mail matter which is' denied entry into the mails on the basis of incorrect mail preparation, postage due, or addressing may, through expedited proceedings, obtain a final agency decision as to the mailability of such matter; and (3) submit a written report to the Senate and the House of Representatives describing its findings and actions under this section.