Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/960

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104 STAT. 2312 PUBLIC LAW 101-527—NOV. 6, 1990 (12) diversity in the faculty and student body of health professions schools enhances the quality of education for all students attending the schools; (13) the Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Black and Minority Health (prepared for the Secretary of Health and Human Services and issued in 1985) described the health status problems of minorities, and made recommendations concerning measures that should be implemented by the Secretary with respect to improving the health status of minorities through programs for providing health information and education; and (14) the Office of Minority Health, created in 1985 by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, should be authorized pursuant to statute and should receive increased funding to support efforts to improve the health of individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, including minorities, including the implementation of the recommendations made by the Secretary's Task Force on Black and Minority Health. SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE OF MINORITY HEALTH. Title XVII of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300u et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following new section: "ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE OF MINORITY HEALTH 42 USC 300U-6. "SEC. 1707. (a) IN GENERAL.— T here is established an Office of Minority Health within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health. There shall be in the Department of Health and Human Services a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health, who shall be the head of the Office of Minority Health. The Secretary, acting through such Deputy Assistant Secretary, shall carry out this section. "(b) DUTIES.— The Secretary shall, with respect to the health concerns of individuals from disadv£mtaged backgrounds, including racial and ethnic minorities— "(1) establish short-range and long-range goals and objectives and coordinate all other activities within the Department of Health and Human Services that relate to disease prevention, health promotion, service delivery, and research concerning such individuals; Government "(2) enter into interagency agreements with other agencies of contracts. the Service to increase the participation of such individuals in health service and promotion programs; Public "(3) establish a national minority health resource center to information. facilitate the exchange of information regarding matters relating to health information and health promotion, preventive health services, and education in the appropriate use of health care, to facilitate access to such information, to assist in the analysis of issues and problems relating to such matters, and to provide technical assistance with respect to the exchange of such information (including facilitating the development of materials for such technical assistance); "(4) support research, demonstrations and evaluations to test new and innovative models, to increase knowledge and understanding of health risk factors, and to develop mechanisms that support better information dissemination, education, prevention, and service delivery to individuals from disadvantaged bac^rounds, including racial and ethnic minorities;