104 STAT. 2318 PUBLIC LAW 101-527—NOV. 6, 1990 and such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 1992 and 1993. "(2) Amounts received by a grantee pursuant to subsection (a) remaining unobligated at the end of the fiscal year in which the amounts were received shall remain available to the grantee during the succeeding fiscal year for the purpose described in such subsection.". SEC. 4. REVISIONS IN PROGRAM FOR CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE IN HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATION. (a) IN GENERAL.— Section 782 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 295g-2) is amended to read as follows: "PROGRAMS OF EXCELLENCE IN HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATION FOR MINORITIES Grant programs. "SEC. 782. (a) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall make grants to health profession schools described in subsection (c) for the purpose of assisting the schools in supporting programs of excellence in health professions education for minority individuals. "(b) REQUIRED USE OF FUNDS. — The Secretary may not make a grant under subsection (a) unless the health professions school involved agrees to expend the grant— "(1) to establish, strengthen, or expand programs to enhance the academic performance of minority students attending the school; "(2) to establish, strengthen, or expand programs to increase the number and quality of minority applicants to the school; "(3) to improve the capacity of such school to train, recruit, and retain minority faculty; "(4) with respect to minority health issues, to carry out activities to improve the information resources and curricula of the school and clinical education at the school; and "(5) to facilitate faculty and student research on health issues particularly affecting minority groups. " (c) CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE. — " (1) IN GENERAL. — "(A) The health professions schools referred to in subsection (a) are such schools that meet each of the conditions specified in subparagraph (B), and that— "(i) meet each of the conditions specified in paragraph (2)(A); "(ii) meet each of the conditions specified in paragraph (3); "(iii) meet each of the conditions specified in paragraph (4); or "(iv) meet each of the conditions specified in paragraph (5). "(B) The conditions specified in this subparagraph are that a health professions school— "(i) has a significant number of minority individuals enrolled in the school, including individuals accepted for enrollment in the school; "(ii) has been effective in assisting minority students of the school to complete the program of education and receive the degree involved;