Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/972

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104 STAT. 2324 PUBLIC LAW 101-527—NOV. 6, 1990 "(A) are individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds; and "(B) are enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) as full-time students in such schools. "(2) HEALTH PROFESSIONS SCHOOLS. — For purposes of this section, the term 'health professions schools' means schools of medicine, nursing (as schools of nursing are defined in section 853), osteopathic medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, podiatric medicine, optometry, veterinary medicine, public health, or allied health, or schools offering graduate programs in clinical psychology. "(b) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS OF GRANTEES.— The Secretary may not make a grant under subsection (a) unless the health professions school— "(1) is carrying out a program for recruiting and retaining students from disadvantaged backgrounds, including racial and ethnic minorities; and "(2) is carrying out a program for recruiting and retaining minority faculty. "(c) PREFERENCES IN PROVIDING SCHOLARSHIPS. —The Secretary may not make a grant under subsection (a) unless the health professions school involved agrees that, in providing scholarships pursuant to the grant, the school will give preference to students— "(1) who are from disadvantaged backgrounds; or "(2) for whom the costs of attending the school would constitute a severe financigd hardship. "(d) USE OF SCHOLARSHIP. —A scholarship provided pursuant to subsection (a) for attendance at a health professions school— "(1) may be expended only for tuition expenses, other reasonable educational expenses, and reasonable living expenses incurred in such attendance; and "(2) may not, for any year of such attendance for which the scholarship is provided, provide an amount exceeding the total amount required for the year for the expenses specified in paragraph (1). " (e) PROVISIONS REGARDING PURPOSES OTHER THAN SCHOLAR- SHIPS. — "(1) AUTHORITY REGARDING ASSISTANCE FOR UNDERGRADU- ATES.—With respect to undergraduates who have demonstrated a commitment to pursuing a career in the health professions, a health professions school may expend not more than 25 percent of a grant under subsection (a) for the purpose of providing financial assistance to such undergraduates in order to facilitate the completion of the educational requirements for such careers. "(2) REQUIRED ACTIVITIES OF SCHOOL. —The Secretary may not make a grant under subsection (a) unless the health professions school involved agrees— "(A) to ensure that adequate instruction regarding minority health issues is provided for in the curricula of the school; "(B) with respect to health clinics providing services to a significant number of individuals who are from disadvantaged backgrounds, including members of minority groups, to enter into arrangements with 1 or more such clinics for the purpose of providing students of the school with experience in providing clinical services to such individuals;