Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 4.djvu/109

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PUBLIC LAW 101-549—NOV. 15, 1990 104 STAT. 2425 any area that the Administrator finds has not attained the standard by that date shall be reclassified by operation of law in accordance with table 1 of subsection (a) to the higher of^ "(i) the next higher classification for the area, or "(ii) the classification applicable to the area's design value as determined at the time of the notice required under subparagraph (B). No area shall be reclassified as Extreme under clause (ii). "(B) The Administrator shall publish a notice in the Federal Register, no later than 6 months following the attainment date, identifying each area that the Administrator has determined under subparagraph (A) as having failed to attain and identify- ing the reclassification, if any, described under subparagraph (A). "(3) VOLUNTARY RECLASSIFICATION. —The Administrator shall grant the request of any State to reclassify a nonattainment area in that State in accordance with table 1 of subsection (a) to a higher classification. The Administrator shall publish a notice in the Federal Register of any such request and of action by the Administrator granting the request. " (4) FAILURE OF SEVERE AREAS TO ATTAIN STANDARD.— (A) If any Severe Area fails to achieve the national primary ambient air quality standard for ozone by the applicable attainment date (including any extension thereof), the fee provisions under section 185 shall apply within the area, the percent reduction requirements of section 182(c)(2)(B) and (C) (relating to reasonable further progress demonstration and NO, control) shall continue to apply to the area, and the State shall demonstrate that such percent reduction has been achieved in each 3-year interval after such failure until the standard is attained. Any failure to make such a demonstration shall be subject to the sanctions provided under this part. "(B) In addition to the requirements of subparagraph (A), if the ozone design value for a Severe Area referred to in subparagraph (A) is above 0.140 ppm for the year of the applicable attainment date, or if the area has failed to achieve its most recent milestone under section 182(g), the new source review requirements applicable under this subpart in Extreme Areas shall apply in the area and the term 'major source' and 'major stationary source' shall have the same meaning as in Extreme Areas. "(C) In addition to the requirements of subparagraph (A) for those areas referred to in subparagraph (A) and not covered by subparagraph (B), the provisions referred to in subparagraph (B) shall apply after 3 years from the applicable attainment date unless the area has attained the standard by the end of such 3- year period. "(D) If, after the date of the enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the Administrator modifies the method of determining compliance with the national primary ambient air quality standard, a design value or other indicator comparable to 0.140 in terms of its relationship to the standard shall be used in lieu of 0.140 for purposes of applying the provisions of subparagraphs (B) and (C). "(c) REFERENCES TO TERMS. —(1) Any reference in this subpart to a 'Marginal Area', a 'Moderate Area', a 'Serious Area', a 'Severe Area', or an 'Extreme Area' shall be considered a reference to a Federal Register, publication. Intergovernmental relations. Federal Register, publication.