PUBLIC LAW 101-549—NOV. 15, 1990 104 STAT. 2519 the standards otherwise applicable to such vehicles under section 242 and this section. "(f) LESS STRINGENT CARB STANDARDS.— If the Low-Emission Vehicle and Clean Fuels Regulations of the California Air Resources Board applicable to any category of vehicles referred to in subsection (a), (b), (c), or (d) of this section are modified after the enactment of the Clean Air Act of 1990 to provide an emissions standard which is less stringent than the otherwise applicable standard set forth in subsection (a), (b), (c), or (d), or if any effective date contained in such regulations is delayed, such modified standards or such delay (or both, as the case may be) shall apply, for an interim period, in lieu of the standard or effective date otherwise applicable under subsection (a), (b), (c), or (d) to any vehicles covered by such modified standard or delayed effective date. The interim period shall be a period of not more than 2 model years from the effective date otherwise applicable under subsection (a), (b), (c), or (d). After such interim period, the otherwise applicable standard set forth in subsection (a), (b), (c), or (d) shall take effect with respect to such vehicles (unless subsequently replaced under subsection (e)). " (g) NOT APPLICABLE TO HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLES. — Notwithstanding any provision of the Low-Emission Vehicle and Clean Fuels Regulations of the California Air Resources Board nothing in this section shall apply to heavy-duty engines in vehicles of more than 8,500 lbs. GVWR. "SEC. 244. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT AS PER CALIFORNIA 42 USC 7584. STANDARDS. "Where the numerical clean-fuel vehicle standards applicable under this part to vehicles of not more than 8,500 lbs. GVWR are the same as numerical emission standards applicable in California under the Low-Emission Vehicle and Clean Fuels Regulations of the California Air Resources Board CCARB'), such standards shall be administered and enforced by the Administrator— "(1) in the same manner and with the same flexibility as the State of California administers and enforces corresponding standards applicable under the Low-Emission Vehicle and Clean Fuels Regulations of the California Air Resources Board CCARB'); and "(2) subject to the same requirements, and utilizing the same interpretations and policy judgments, as are applicable in the case of such CARB standards, including, but not limited to, requirements regarding certification, production-line testing, and in-use compliance, unless the Administrator determines (in promulgating the rules establishing the clean fuel vehicle program under this section) that any such administration and enforcement would not meet the criteria for a waiver under section 209. Nothing in this section shall apply in the case of standards under section 245 for heavy-duty vehicles. "SEC. 245. STANDARDS FOR HEAVY-DUTY CLEAN-FUEL VEHICLES (GVWR 42 USC 7585. ABOVE 8,500 UP TO 26,000 LBS). " (a) MODEL YEARS AFTER 1997; COMBINED NO, AND NMHC STAND- ARD.—For classes or categories of heavy-duty vehicles or engines manufactured for the model year 1998 or thereafter and having a GVWR greater than 8,500 lbs. and up to 26,000 lbs. GVWR, the standards under this part for clean-fuel vehicles shall require that