PUBLIC LAW 101-549—NOV. 15, 1990 104 STAT. 2699 (2) stripper well natural gas, as defined in section 1080t)) of the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (15 U.S.C. 3318(b)). except to the extent that provisions of such amendments cover areas designated as Serious pursuant to part D of title I of the Clean Air Act and having a population of 350,000 or more, or areas designated as Severe or Extreme pursuant to such part D. SEC. 820. EPA REPORT ON MAGNETIC LEVITATION. The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall, not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, submit to the Congress and the President a report of the Administrator's activities under any agreement with the Department of Transportation entered into prior to such date of enactment providing for an analysis of the health and environmental aspects of magnetic levitation technology. SEC. 821. INFORMATION GATHERING ON GREENHOUSE GASES CONTRIB- 42 USC 7651k UTING TO GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE. note. (a) MONITORING. —The Administrator of the Environmental Regulations. Protection Agency shall promulgate regulations within 18 months after the enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 to require that all affected sources subject to title V of the Clean Air Act shall also monitor carbon dioxide emissions according to the same timetable as in section 511(b) and (c). The regulations shall require that such data be reported to the Administrator. The provisions of section 511(e) of title V of the Clean Air Act shall apply for purposes of this section in the same manner and to the same extent as such provision applies to the monitoring and data referred to in section 511. (b) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY OF CARBON DIOXIDE INFORMATION.—For each unit required to monitor and provide carbon dioxide data under subsection (a), the Administrator shall compute the unit's aggregate annual total carbon dioxide emissions, incorporate such data into a computer data base, and make such siggregate annual data available to the public. SEC. 822. AUTHORIZATION. Section 327 of the Clean Air Act is amended to read as follows: 42 USC 7626. "SEC. 327. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. "(a) IN GENERAL. — T here are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act such sums as may be necessary for the 7 fiscal years commencing after the enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. "(b) GRANTS FOR PLANNING. —There are authorized to be appropriated (1) not more than $50,000,000 to carry out section 175 beginning in fiscal year 1991, to be available until expended, to develop plan revisions required by subpart 2, 3, or 4 of part D of title I, and (2) not more than $15,000,000 for each of the 7 fiscal years commencing after the enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 to make grants to the States to prepare implementation plans as required by subpart 2, 3, or 4 of part D of title I.".