104 STAT. 3176 PUBLIC LAW 101-610—NOV. 16, 1990 Colleges and universities. 42 USC 5091g. 42 USC 5091h. 42 USC 5091i. "SEC. 708. CONTRACTS. "Each Youthbuild project shall carry out the services and activities under this title directly or through arrangements or under contracts with administrative entities designated under section 103(b)(l)(B) of the Job Training Partnership Act (29 U.S.C. 1501(b)(l)(B)), with State and local educational agencies, institutions of higher education, State and local housing development agencies, and with other public agencies and private organizations. "SEC. 709. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. "(a) IN GENERAL. —The Director, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor, shall prescribe standards for evaluating the performance of Youthbuild projects receiving assistance under this title, including the following factors: "(1) Placement in unsubsidized employment. "(2) Retention in unsubsidized employment. "(3) An increase in earnings. "(4) Improvement of reading and other basic skills. "(5) Attainment of a high school diploma or its equivalent. "(6) Completion of projects providing a benefit to the community. "(b) VARIATIONS.—The Director shall prescribe variations to the standards determined under subsection (a) by taking into account the economic conditions of the areas in which Youthbuild projects are located and appropriate special characteristics, such as the extent of English language proficiency and offender status of Youthbuild participants. "SEC. 710. APPLICATIONS. "(a) SUBMISSION.— To apply for a grant under this title, an eligible entity shall submit an application to the Director in accordance with procedures established by the Director. "(b) CRITERIA.— Each such application shall— "(1) describe the educational services, job training, supportive services, service opportunities, and other services and activities that will be provided to participants; "(2) describe the proposed construction of rehabilitation activities to be undertaken and the anticipated schedule for carrying out such activities; "(3) describe the manner in which eligible youths will be recruited and selected, including a description of arrangements which will be made with community-based organizations. State and local educational agencies, public assistance agencies, the courts of jurisdiction for status and youth offenders, homeless shelters and other agencies that serve homeless youth, foster care agencies, and other appropriate public and private agencies; "(4) describe the special outreach efforts that will be undertaken to recruit eligible young women (including young women with dependent children); "(5) describe how the proposed project will be coordinated with other Federal, State, and local activities, including vocational, adult and bliingual education programs, job training supported by funds available under the Job Training Partnership Act (29 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) and the Family Support Act of 1988, housing and economic development, and programs that