Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 4.djvu/900

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104 STAT. 3216 PUBLIC LAW 101-612—NOV. 16, 1990 map, to its confluence with the Middle Fork Smith River, as a scenic river. "(I) Packsaddle Creek from its headwaters about 0.8 miles southwest of Broken Rib Mountain, as depicted on the 1956 USGS 15° Preston Peak topographic map, to its confluence with the Middle Fork Smith River, as a scenic river. "(J) East Fork Patrick Creek from its headwaters in section 10, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., as depicted on the 1951 USGS 15° Gasquet topographic map, to its confluence with the West Fork of Patrick Creek, as a recreational river. "(K) West Fork Patrick Creek from its headwaters in section 18, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., as depicted on the 1951 15° Gasquet topographic map to its confluence with the East Fork Patrick Creek, as a recreational river. "(L) Little Jones Creek from its headwaters in section 34, T. 17 N., R. 3 E., as depicted on the 1951 USGS 15° Gasquet topographic map to its confluence with the Middle Fork Smith River, as a recreational river. "(M) Griffin Creek from its headwaters about 0.2 miles southwest of Hazel View Summit, as depicted on the 1956 USGS 15° Preston Peak topographic map, to its confluence with the Middle Fork Smith River, as a recreational river. "(N) Knopki Creek from its headwaters about 0.4 miles west of Sanger Peak, as depicted on the 1956 USGS 15° Preston Peak topographic map, to its confluence with the Middle Fork Smith River, as a recreational river. "(O) Monkey Creek from its headwaters in the northeast quadrant of section 12, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., as depicted on the 1951 USGS 15° Gasquet topographic map, to its confluence with the Middle Fork Smith River, as a recreational river. "(P) Patrick Creek from the junction of East and West Forks of Patrick Creek to its confluence with Middle Fork Smith River, as a recreational river. "(Q) Hardscrabble Creek from its headwaters in the northeast quarter of section 2, T. 17 N., R. 1 E., as depicted on the 1952 USGS 15° Crescent City topographic map, to its confluence with the Middle Fork Smith River, as a recreational river. "( ) NORTH FORK SMITH RIVER, CAUFORNIA.— The segment from the California-Oregon State line to its confluence with the Middle Fork Smith River, including the following segments of the mainstem and certain tributaries, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture in the following classes: "(A) The segment from the California-Oregon State line to its confluence with an unnamed tributary in the northeast quarter of section 5, T. 18 N., R. 2 E., as depicted on the 1951 USGS 15° Gasquet topographic map, as a wild river. "(B) The segment from its confluence with an unnamed tributary in the northeast quarter of section 5, T. 18 N., R. 2 E., to its southern-most intersection with the eastern section line of section 5, T. 18 N., R. 2 E., as depicted on the 1951 USGS 15° Gasquet topographic map, as a scenic river. "(C) The segment from its southern-most intersection with the eastern section line of section 5, T. 18 N., R. 2 E., as depicted on the 1951 USGS 15° Gsisquet topographic map, to its confluence with Stony Creek, as a wild river.