PUBLIC LAW 101-616—NOV. 16, 1990 104 STAT. 3279 Public Law 101-616 101st Congress An Act To amend the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend the program establishing the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Transplant Amendments Act of 1990". SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Sec. 1. Short title. Sec. 2. Table of contents. TITLE I—NATIONAL BONE MARROW DONOR REGISTRY Sec. 101. Establishment of a National Bone Marrow Donor Registry. Sec. 102. Savings provisions. TITLE II—ORGAN TRANSPLANTS Sec. 201. Assistance for organ procurement organizations. Sec. 202. Organ procurement and transplantation network. Sec. 203. General provisions respecting grants and contracts. Sec. 204. Administration. Sec. 205. Report. Sec. 206. Study by General Accounting Office and authorization of appropriations. Sec. 207. Effective date. TITLE III—SEVERABILITY Sec. 301. Severability. Nov. 16, 1990 [S. 2946] Tra nsplant Amendments Act of 1990. 42 USC 201 note. TITLE I—NATIONAL BONE MARROW DONOR REGISTRY SEC. 101. ESTABLISHMENT OF A NATIONAL BONE MARROW DONOR REG- ISTRY. (a) REGISTRY.—Title III of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 301 et seq.) is amended— (1) by redesignating parts I, J, and K as parts J, K, and L, 42 USC 275 et respectively; and %eQ-' 280b et seq., (2) by inserting after section 377 (as added by section 207 of 280cefseg. this Act) the following new part: "PART I—NATIONAL BONE MARROW DONOR REGISTRY "SEC. 379. NATIONAL REGISTRY. "(a) ESTABLISHMENT. — The Secretary shall by contract establish and maintain a National Bone Marrow Donor Registry (referred to in this part as the 'Registry') that meets the requirements of this 42 USC 274k. Government contracts.