Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 5.djvu/1020

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104 STAT. 4342 PUBLIC LAW 101-625—NOV. 28, 1990 Secretary determines is necessary to facilitate the transition of homeless persons to independent living). Transitional housing includes housing primarily designed to serve deinstitutionalized homeless persons and other homeless persons with mental disabilities, and homeless families with children. "(b) TYPES OF ASSISTANCE. —A grantee may provide the following assistance to a project sponsor of transitional housing: "(1) A grant for the cost of acquisition, substantial rehabilitation, or acquisition and rehabilitation of an existing structure for use as transitional housing. The repayment of any outstanding debt owed on a loan made to purchase an existing structure shall be considered to be a cost of acquisition eligible for an advance under this paragraph if the structure was not used as transitional housing prior to the receipt of assistance. "(2) A grant for moderate rehabilitation of an existing structure for use as transitional housing. "(3) A grant, in an amount not to exceed $400,000, for the new construction of a structure for use in the provision of supportive housing. "(4) Annual payments for operating costs of transitional housing (including transitional housing that is newly constructed with assistance provided from sources other than this Act) not to exceed 75 percent of the smnual operating costs of such housing. "(5) Technical assistance in— "(A) establishing transitional housing in an existing structure; "(B) operating transitional housing in existing structures and in structures that are newly constructed with assistance provided from sources other than this Act; and "(C) providing supportive services to the residents of transitional housing (including transitional housing that is newly constructed with assistance provided from sources other than this Act). "(6) A grant for establishing and operating an employment assistance program for the residents of transitional housing, which shall include— "(A) employment of residents in the operation and maintenance of the housing; and "(B) the payment of the transportation costs of residents to places of employment. Daycare. "(7) A grant to establish and operate a child care services program for homeless families as follows: "(A) A progremi under this paragraph shall include— "(i) establishing, licensing, and operating an on-site child care facility for the residents of transitional housing; or (ii) making contributions for the child care costs of residents of transitional housing to existing community child care programs and facilities; and "(iii) counseling designed to inform the residents of transitional housing of public and private child care services for which they are eligible. "(B) A grant under this paragraph for any child care services program shall not exceed the amount equal to 75 percent of the cost of operating the program for a period of up to 5 years.