104 STAT. 3546 PUBLIC LAW 101-624—NOV. 28, 1990 (2) forest management practices that account for environmental stresses; and (3) the development of low-cost forest regeneration methods that provide options for wood products, species diversity, wildlife habitat, and production of clean air and water. (c) ESTABLISHMENT OF OTHER PROGRAMS. — The Secretary of Agriculture may establish other programs in other regions of the United States, or a comprehensive National program, to carry out the purposes of this section as the Secretary determines appropriate. (d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. —There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section. Establishment. SEC. 1243. SEMIARID AGROFORESTRY RESEARCH CENTER. le^usf f642 (^^ SEMIARID AGROFORESTRY RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND DEM- note. ONSTRATiON CENTER.— The Secretary of Agriculture shall establish at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory of the United States Forest Service, in Lincoln, Nebraska, a Semiarid Agroforestry Research, Development, and Demonstration Center (hereafter referred to in this section as the "Center") and appoint a Director to manage and coordinate the program established at the Center under subsection (b). (b) PROGRAM.— The Secretary shall establish a program at the Center and seek the participation of Federal or State governmental entities, land-grant colleges or universities. State agricultural experiment stations. State and private foresters, the National Arbor Day Foundation, and other nonprofit foundations in such program to conduct or assist research, investigations, studies, and surveys to— (1) develop sustainable agroforestry systems on semiarid lands that minimize topsoil loss and water contamination and stabilize or enhance crop productivity; (2) adapt, demonstrate, document, and model the effectiveness of agroforestry systems under different farming systems and soil or climate conditions; (3) develop dual use agroforestry systems compatible with paragraphs (1) and (2) which would provide high-value forestry products for commercial sale from semiarid land; (4) develop and improve the drought and pest resistance characteristics of trees for conservation forestry and agroforestry applications in semiarid regions, including the introduction and breeding of trees suited for the Great Plains region of the United States; (5) develop technology transfer programs that increase farmer and public acceptance of sustainable agroforestry systems; (6) develop improved windbreak and shelterbelt technologies for drought preparedness, soil and water conservation, environmental quality, and biological diversity on semiarid lands; (7) develop technical and economic concepts for sustainable agroforestry on semiarid lands, including the conduct of economic analyses of the costs and benefits of agroforestry systems and the development of models to predict the economic benefits under soil or climate conditions; (8) provide international leadership in the development and exchange of agroforestry practices on semiarid lands worldwide; (9) support research on the effects of agroforestry systems on semiarid lands in mitigating nonpoint source water pollution;