Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 5.djvu/311

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PUBLIC LAW 101-624—NOV. 28, 1990 104 STAT. 3633 Subtitle A—Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 Mickey Leland Food for Peace Act. SEC. 1511. SHORT TITLE. 7 USC 1691 note. This subtitle may be cited as the "Mickey Leland Food for Peace Act". SEC. 1512. AGRICULTURAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT AND ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1954. The Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (7 U.S.C. 1691 et seq.) is amended to read as follows: "SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Agricultural "This Act may be cited as the 'Agricultural Trade Development Development and Assistance Act of 1954'. and Assistance Act of 1954 "SEC. 2. UNITED STATES POLICY. 7 USC 1691. "It is the policy of the United States to use its abundant agricultural productivity to promote the foreign policy of the United States by enhancing the food security of the developing world through the use of agricultural commodities and local currencies accruing under this Act to— "(1) combat world hunger and malnutrition and their causes; "(2) promote broad-based, equitable, and sustainable development, including agricultural development; "(3) expand international trade; "(4) develop and expand export markets for United States agricultural commodities; and "(5) foster and encourage the development of private enterprise and democratic participation in developing countries. "SEC. 3. GLOBAL FOOD AID NEEDS. "In view of the principal findings of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences that doubling food aid above 1990 levels of about 10,000,000 metric tons per year would be necessary to meet projected global food needs throughout the decade of the nineties, it is the sense of Congress that the President should— "(1) increase the contributions of food aid by the United States, and encourage other donor countries to increase their contributions toward meeting new food aid requirements; and "(2) encourage other advanced nations to make increased food aid contributions to combat world hunger and malnutrition, particularly through the expansion of international food and agricultural assistance programs. "TITLE I—TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE 7 USC 1691a. •SEC. 101. TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE. "(a) IN GENERAL.— The President shall establish a program under this title to provide for the sale of agricultural commodities to developing countries for dollars on credit terms, or for local cur- 7 USC 1701. President.