Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 5.djvu/46

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104 STAT. 3368 PUBLIC LAW 101-624—NOV. 28, 1990 Sec. 1854. Indian land acquisition program. Subtitle D—Effective Dates Sec. 1861. Effective dates. TITLE XIX—AGRICULTURAL PROMOTION Sec. 1901. Short title. Subtitle A—Pecans Sec. 1905. Short title. Sec. 1906. Findings and declaration of policy. Sec. 1907. Definitions. Sec. 1908. Issuance of plans. Sec. 1909. R^ulations. Sec. 1910. Required terms in plans. Sec. 1911. Permissive terms in plans. Sec. 1912. Assessments. Sec. 1913. Petition and review. Sec. 1914. Enforcement. Sec. 1915. Investigations and power to subpoena. Sec. 1916. Requirement of referendimi. Sec. 1917. Suspension or termination of plan. Sec. 1918. Autiiorization of appropriations. Subtitle B—Mushrooms Sec. 1921. Short title. Sec. 1922. Findings and declaration of policy. Sec. 1923. Definitions. Sec. 1924. Issuance of orders.' Sec. 1925. Required terms in orders. Sec. 1926. Referenda. Sec. 1927. Petition and review. Sec. 1928. Enforcement. Sec. 1929. Investigations and power to subpoena. Sec. 1930. Savings provision. Sec. 1931. Suspension or termination of orders. Sec. 1932. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 1933. R^ulations. Subtitle C—Potatoes Sec. 1935. Short title. Sec. 1936. Findings and declaration of policy. Sec. 1937. Definitions. Sec. 1938. Authority to issue a plan. Sec. 1939. Notice and hearings. Sec. 1940. Required terms in plans. Sec. 1941. Permissive terms in plans. Sec. 1942. Assessments. Sec. 1943. Investigation and power to subpoena. Sec. 1944. Requirement of referendum. Sec. 1945. Suspension or termination of plans. Sec. 1946. Amendment procedure. Subtitle D—Limes Sec. 1951. Short title. Sec. 1952. Findings, purposes, and limitations. Sec. 1953. Definitions. Sec. 1954. Issuance of orders. Sec. 1955. Required terms in orders. Sec. 1956. Permissive terms in orders. Sec. 1957. Petition and review. Sec. 1958. Enforcement. Sec. 1959. Investigations and power to subpoena. Sec. 1960. Initial referendum. Sec. 1961. Suspension and termination. Sec. 1962. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 1963. Regulations.