Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 5.djvu/72

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104 STAT. 3394 PUBLIC LAW 101-624—NOV. 28, 1990 Regulations. devoted to sweet sorghum, guar, sesame, castor beans, crambe, plantago ovato, triticale, rye, mung beans, milkweed, or other commodity, if the Secretary determines that the production is needed to provide an adequate supply of the commodities, is not likely to increase the cost of the price support program, and will not affect farm income adversely. " (C) HAYING AND GRAZING. — "(i) IN GENERAL.— Except as provided in clause (ii), haying and grazing of reduced acreage, acreage devoted to a conservation use under subsection (c)(l)(E), and acreage diverted from production under a land diversion program established under this section shall be permitted, except during any consecutive 5-month period that is established by the State committee established under section 8(b) of the Soil (Ik)nservation and Domestic Allotment Act (16 U.S.C. 590h(b)) for a State. The 5-month period shall be established during the period beginning April 1, and ending October 31, of a year. "(ii) NATURAL DISASTERS.— In the case of a natural disaster, the Secretary may permit unlimited haying and grazing on the acreage. The Secretary may not exclude irrigated or irrigable acreage not planted in alfalfa when exercising the authority under this clause. "(D) WATER STORAGE USES. — "(i) IN GENERAL.—The regulations issued by the Secretary under paragraph (2) with respect to acreage required to be devoted to conservation uses shall provide that land that has been converted to water storage uses shall be considered to be devoted to conservation uses if the land was devoted to wheat, feed grains, cotton, rice, or oilseeds in at least 3 of the immediately precechng 5 years. The land shall be considered to be devoted to conservation uses for the period that the land remains in water storage uses, but not to exceed 5 years subsequent to its conversion to water storage uses. "(ii) LIMITATIONS.—Land converted to water storage uses for the purposes of this subparagraph may not be devoted to any commercial use, including commercial fish production. The water stored on the land may not be ground water. The farm on which the land is located must have been irrigated with ground water during at least 1 of the preceding 5 crop years. "(E) SUMMER FALLOW. — In determining the quantity of land to be devoted to conservation uses under an acreage limitation program with respect to land that has been farmed under summer fallow practices, as defined by the Secretary, the Secretary shall consider the effects of soil erosion and such other factors as the Secretary considers appropriate. " (5) LAND DIVERSION PAYMENTS.— "(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may make land diversion payments to producers of wheat, whether or not an acreage limitation program for wheat is in effect, if the Secretary determines that the land diversion pa3ntnents are