Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 5.djvu/727

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PUBLIC LAW 101-624—NOV. 28, 1990 104 STAT. 4049 (1) improving existing facilities in the community that may generate employment or revenue; (2) expanding existing infrastructure, facilities, and services to capitalize on opportunities to diversify economies now dependent on national forest resources; and (3) supporting the development of new industries or commercial ventures unrelated to national forest resources. (b) INTEREST RATES. —The interest rates on a loan made pursuant to this section shall be as determined by the Secretary, but not in excess of the current average market yield on outstanding marketable obligations of the United States with remaining periods to maturity comparable to the maturity of such loan, plus not to exceed 1 percent, as determined by the Secretary, and rounded to the nearest one-eighth of 1 percent. SEC. 2379. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS AND SPENDING AU- 7 USC 6617. THORITY. (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—Except as provided in subsection (b), there are authorized to be appropriated— (1) an amount not to exceed 5 percent of the sum of— (A) the sums received by the Secretary from sales of timber and other products of the forests; and (B) user fees paid in connection with the use of forest lands; and (2) such additional sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter. 0?) LIMITATION ON AUTHORIZATION.— Subsection (a) shall not in any way affect payments to the States pursuant to chapter 192 of the Act of May 23, 1908 (16 U.S.C. 500). (c) SPENDING AUTHORITY.— Any spending authority (as defined in section 401 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974) provided in this chapter shall be effective for any fiscal year only to such extent or in such amounts as are provided in appropriation Acts. Subtitle H—Miscellaneous Provisions SEC. 2381. NATIONAL RURAL INFORMATION CENTER CLEARINGHOUSE. 7 USC 3125b. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall establish, within the National Agricultural Library, in coordination with the Extension Service, a National Rural Information Center Clearinghouse (in this section referred to as the "Clearinghouse") to perform the functions specified in subsection (b). (b) FUNCTIONS.— The Clearinghouse shall provide and distribute information and data to any industry, organization, or Federal, State, or local government entity, on request, about programs and services provided by Federal, State, and local agencies and private nonprofit organizations and institutions under which individuals residing in, or organizations and State and local government entities operating in, a rural area may be eligible for any kind of assistance, including job training, education, health care, and economic development assistance, and emotional and financial counseling. To the extent possible, the National Agricultural Library shall use telecommunications technology to disseminate information to rural areas. (c) FEDERAL AGENCIES.—On request of the Secretary, the head of a Federal agency shall provide to the Clearinghouse such information