Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/110

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104 STAT. 4500 PUBLIC LAW 101-628—NOV. 28, 1990 1989 (hereinafter referred to as the "map"), to the owners of tracts of private lands identified as "PRIVATE LANDS TO BE ADDED TO CAMP W.G. WILUAMS BY EXCHANGE AND WITHDRAWAL" On SUCh map. If the owners of any or all of such tracts of private lands accept the offer within two years after the date of enactment of this Act, then the Secretary as soon as practicable shall convey to such owner or owners or their designee title to so much of the identified land as is approximately equal in value to such tracts of private land as are simultaneously conveyed to the United States. (b) Any lands, identified on the map as "FEDERAL LANDS OFFERED FOR EXCHANGE", not exchanged shall be returned to the public domain. SEC. 903. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT LANDS. Lands identified on the map as "PUBLIC LANDS AT CAMP W.G. WILLIAMS TO BE WITHDRAWN" shall be transferred to the Department of the Army. SEC. 904. ARMY LANDS. Subject to the provisions of section 907, lands identified on the map as "WITHDRAWN LANDS TO BE RETURNED TO PUBLIC DOMAIN" shall be transferred to the Department of the Interior, returned to the public domain and managed accordingly. SEC. 905. ACQUISITIONS. The Secretary, in accordance with applicable law, is authorized to acquire, solely by donation or exchange from a willing seller, lands that are identified as 2a and 2b on the map, and is directed to transfer such lands to the Department of the Army for the explicit purpose of addition to Camp W.G. Williams. The Secretary of the Army shall modify the camp boundaries so as to encompass lands acquired pursuant to this subsection. SEC. 906. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LANDS. (a) All lands transferred, exchanged, or acquired by this Act within the camp boundaries shall immediately become a part of Camp W.G. Williams and shall be administered and managed by the Department of the Army in accordance with the same laws, regulations, and executive orders applicable to the lands under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Army adjoining such acquired tracts. (b) Subject to valid existing rights, no lands owned by the United States within the camp boundaries shall be available for any form of settlement, sale, location, or entry under the general land laws, including the mining laws, but not the mineral or geothermal leasing laws, and such lands shall be administered and managed by the Department of the Army. Effective date. (c) The provisions of this section shall be effective for a period of twenty years after the date of enactment of this Act, unless at the end of such twenty-year period, the Secretary of the Army determines that such lands are still required for purposes of national security, in which case the provisions of this section shall be effective for a period of forty years after the date of enactment of this Act. SEC. 907. REVOCATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER, ETC. (a) REVOCATION. —(1) Executive Order 1922 of April 24, 1914, shall be revoked, only insofar as it affects lands outside of the camp