Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/358

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104 STAT. 4748 PUBLIC LAW 101-645—NOV. 29, 1990 "Subtitle F—Family Support Centers 42 USC 11481. "SEC. 771. DEFINITIONS. "As used in this subtitle: "(1) ADVISORY COUNCIL. —The term 'advisory council' means the advisory council established under section 772(e)(2)(K). "(2) ELIGIBLE ENTITY. — The term 'eligible entity' means State or local agencies, a Head Start agency, any community-based organization of demonstrated effectiveness as a community action agency under section 210 of the EJconomic Opportunity Act of 1984 (42 U.S.C. 2790), public housing agencies as defined in section 30t>X6) of the United States Housing Act of 1937, State Housing Finance Agencies, local education agencies, an institution of higher education, a public hospital, a community development corporation, a private industry council as defined under section 102(a) of the Job Training Partnership Act, a community health center, and any other public or private nonprofit agency or organization specializing in delivering social services. "(3) FAMILY CASE MANAGERS. —The term 'family case managers'means advisers operating under the provisions of section 774. "(4) GOVERNMENTALLY SUBSIDIZED HOUSING. —The term 'governmentally subsidized housing' means any rental housing that is assisted under any Federal, State or local program (including a tax credit or tax exempt financing progrsmi) and that serves a population that predominately consists of very low income families or individuals. "(5) HOMELESS.—The term 'homeless' has the same meaning given such term in the subsections (a) and (c) of section 103 of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11302 (a) and (c)). "(6) INTENSIVE AND COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORTIVE SERVICES.— The term 'intensive and comprehensive supportive services' means— "(A) in the case of services provided to infants, children and youth, such services that shall be designed to enhance the physical, social, and educational development of such infants and children and that shall include, where appropriate nutritional services, screening and referral services, child care services, early childhood development programs, early intervention services for children with, or at-risk of developmental delays, drop-out prevention services, afterschool activities, job readiness and job training services, education (including basic skills and literacy services), emergency services including special outreach services targeted to homeless and runaway youth, crisis intervention and counseling services, and such other services that the Secretary may deem necessary and appropriate; "(B) in the csise of services provided to parents and other family members, services designed to better enable parents and other family members to contribute to their child's healthy development and that shall include, where appropriate, substance abuse education, counseling, referral for treatment, crisis intervention, employment counseling and training as appropriate, life-skills training including personal financial counseling, education including basic skills