Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/529

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PUBLIC LAW 101-647—NOV. 29, 1990 104 STAT. 4919 (1) law enforcement officers risk their lives daily to protect citizens, for modest rewards and too little recognition; (2) a significant shift has occurred in the problems that law enforcement officers face without a corresponding change in the support from the Federal Government; (3) law enforcement officers are on the front line in the war against drugs and crime; (4) the rate of violent crime continues to increase along with the increase in drug use; (5) a large percenteige of individuals arrested test positive for drug usage; (6) the Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice of 1965 focused attention on many issues affecting law enforcement, and a review 25 years later would help to evaluate current problems, including drug-related crime, violence, racial conflict, and decreased funding; and (7) a comprehensive study of law enforcement issues, including the role of the Federal Government in supporting law enforcement officers, working conditions, and responsibility for crime control would assist in redefining the relationships between the Federal Government, the public, and law enforcement officials. SEC. 3402. ESTABLISHMENT. There is hereby established the National Commission to Support Law Enforcement (hereafter in this title referred to as the "Commission"). SEC. 3403. DUTIES. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Commission shall study and include in the report made under section 3407 recommendations for changes regarding law enforcement agencies and law enforcement issues on the Federal, State, and local levels, including the following: (1) FUNDING.— The sufficiency of funding, including a review v^. of grant programs at the Federal level. (2) EMPLOYMENT.— The conditions of law enforcement employment. (3) INFORMATION.—The effectiveness of information-sharing systems, intelligence, infrastructure, and procedures among law enforcement agencies of Federal, State, and local governments. (4) RESEARCH AND TRAINING.—The status of law enforcement research and education and training. (5) EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES. —The adequacy of equipment, physical resources, and human resources. (6) COOPERATION. — The cooperation among Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies. (7) RESPONSIBILITY.—The responsibility of governments and law enforcement Eigencies in solving the crime problem. (8) IMPACT.—The impact of the criminal justice system, including court schedules and prison overcrowding, on law enforcement. OJ) CONSULTATION.— The Commission shall conduct surveys and consult with focus groups of law enforcement officers, local officials, and community leaders across the Nation to obtain information and seek advice on important law enforcement issues.