PUBLIC LAW 101-627—NOV. 28, 1990 104 STAT. 4451 "(iii) promote international conservation. "(E) With respect to a highly migratory species for which the United States is authorized to harvest an allocation or quota under a relevant international fishery agreement, the Secretary shall provide fishing vessels of the United States with a reasonable opportunity to harvest such allocation or quota. (F) In implementing the provisions of this paragraph, the Secretary shall consult with— "(i) the Secretary of State; "(ii) commissioners and advisory groups appointed under Acts implementing relevant international fishery agreements pertaining to highly migratory species; and "(iii) appropriate Councils.". (2) Section 305(a)(3) of the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1855(a)(3)), as redesignated by section lll(a)(l) of this Act, is amended by inserting "or (0(3)" immediately after "304(c)". (c) INCIDENTAL HARVEST RESEARCH.— Section 304 of the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1854) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection. "(g) INCIDENTAL HARVEST RESEARCH. — (1) Within 9 months after Regulations, the date of enactment of the Fishery Conservation Amendments of 1990, the Secretary shall, after consultation with the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council and South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, establish by regulation a 3-year program to assess the impact on fishery resources of incidental harvest by the shrimp trawl fishery within the authority of such Councils. "(2) The program established pursuant to paragraph (1) shall provide for the identification of stocks of fish which are subject to significant incidental harvest in the course of normal shrimp trawl fishing activity. "(3) For stocks of fish identified pursuant to paragraph (2), with priority given to stocks which (based upon the best available scientific information) are considered to be overfished, the Secretary shall conduct— "(A) a program to collect and eveduate data on the nature and extent (including the spatial and temporal distribution) of incidental mortality of such stocks as a direct result of shrimp trawl fishing activities; "(B) an assessment of the status and condition of such stocks, including collection of information which would allow the estimation of life history parameters with sufficient accuracy and precision to support sound scientific evaluation of the effects of various management alternatives on the status of such stocks; and "(C) a prc^ram of data collection and evaluation for such stocks on the magnitude and distribution of fishing mortality and fishing effort by sources of fishing mortality other than shrimp trawl fishing activity. "(4) The Secretary shall, in cooperation with affected interests, commence a program to design, and evaluate the efficacy of, technological devices and other changes in fishing technology for the reduction of incidental mortality of nontarget fishery resources in the course of shrimp trawl fishing activity. Such program shall take into account local conditions and include evaluation of any reduction in incidental mortality, as well as any reduction or increase in the retention of shrimp in the course of normal fishing activity.