Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/703

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PUBLIC LAW 101-650—DEC. 1, 1990 104 STAT. 5093 "(3) a requirement that all requests for extensions of deadlines for completion of discovery or for postponement of the trial be signed by the attorney and the party making the request; "(4) a neutral evaluation program for the presentation of the legal and factual basis of a case to a neutral court representative selected by the court at a nonbinding conference conducted early in the litigation; "(5) a requirement that, upon notice by the court, representatives of the parties with authority to bind them in settlement discussions be present or available by telephone during any settlement conference; and "(6) such other features as the district court considers appropriate after considering the recommendations of the advisory group referred to in section 472(a) of this title. "(c) Nothing in a civil justice expense and delay reduction plan relating to the settlement authority provisions of this section shall alter or conflict with the authority of the Attorney General to conduct litigation on behalf of the United States, or any delegation of the Attorney Genergil. "§ 474. Review of district court action "(a)(1) The chief judges of each district court in a circuit and the chief judge of the court of appeals for such circuit shall, as a committee— "(A) review each plan and report submitted pursuant to section 472(d) of this title; and "(B) make such suggestions for additional actions or modified actions of that district court as the committee considers appropriate for reducing cost and delay in civil litigation in the district court. "(2) The chief judge of a court of appeals and the chief judge of a district court may designate another judge of such court to perform the chief judges responsibilities under paragraph (1) of this subsection. "(b) The Judicial Conference of the United States— "(1) shall review each plan and report submitted by a district court pursuant to section 472(d) of this title; and "(2) may request the district court to take additional action if the Judicial Conference determines that such court has not adequately responded to the conditions relevant to the civil and criminal dockets of the court or to the recommendations of the district court's advisory group. "§ 475. Periodic district court assessment "After developing or selecting a civil justice expense and delay reduction plan, each United States district court shall assess annually the condition of the court's civil and criminal dockets with a view to determining appropriate additional actions that may be taken by the court to reduce cost and delay in civil litigation and to improve the litigation management practices of the court. In performing such assessment, the court shall consult with an advisory group appointed in accordance with section 478 of this title. "§ 476. Enhancement of judicial information dissemination "(a) The Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Reports. Courts shall prepare a semiannual report, available to the public, that discloses for each judicial officer— ,^ ..