Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/927

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PROCLAMATION 6152—JUNE 29, 1990 104 STAT. 5317 "Silk yam and yam spun from silk waste, put up for retail sale; silkworm gut: 5006.00.10 Containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste 5% 5006.00.90 Other 5% Annex II Free (A,EML) 4% (CA) Free (EML) 4% (CA) 40% 40%" Modification in the HTS of an Article's Preferential Tariff Treatment under the GSP Effective as to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after July 1, 1990: (a) For HTS subheading 5308.90.00, in the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn, delete the symbol "A," in parentheses. (b) For the following HTS provisions, in the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn, delete the symbol "A*" and insert an "A" in lieu thereof: 2905.19.00 2909.19.10 2915.70.00 2916.15.50 2916.19.50 2917.13.00 2917.14.10 2917.19.50 2917.35.00 2918.11.10 3703.10.30 3703.20.30 3703.90.30 4011.40.00 4011.91.50 4011.99.50 4012.10.50 7608.10.00 7608.20.00 7609.00.00 8407.32.20 8407.33.20 8408.10.00 8408.20.90 8408.90.90 8409.91.92 8409.91.99 8409.99.91 8409.99.92 8411.91.90 8411.99.90 8421.23.00 8421.31.00 8429.19.00 8429.40.00 8429.51.50 8429.52.50 8429.59.50 8430.10.00 8430.20.00 8430.31.00 8430.39.00 8430.41.00 8430.49.80 8430.50.50 8430.61.00 8430.62.00 8430.69.00 8431.41.00 8431.42.00 8431.43.80 8465.94.00 8479.10.00 8479.30.00 8479.81.00 8479.82.00 8479.89.70 8479.89.90 8479.90.40 8479.90.80 8483.10.10 8483.10.30 8512.40.40 8512.90.90 8519.91.00 8519.99.00 8527.31.40 8547.90.00 8708.10.00 8708.21.00 8708.29.00 8708.31.50 8708.39.50 8708.40.10 8708.40.20 8708.40.50 8708.50.50 8708.50.80 8708.60.50 8708.60.80 8708.70.80 8708.80.50 8708.91.50 8708.93.50 8716.90.50 9303.30.40 9508.00.00 Armex III Modifications to General Note 3(c)(ii] of the HTS Effective as to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after July 1, 1990: (a) General note 3{c)(ii)(A) is modified by adding "Bahrain" to the enumeration of independent countries. (b) General note 3(c)(ii](D] is modified— (1) by deleting the following HTS provisions and the countries set opposite these provi- 2905.19.00 2909.19.10 2915.70.00 2916.15.50 2916.19.50 2917.13.00 2917.14.10 2917.19.50 2917.35.00 2918.11.10 3703.10.30 3703.20.30 Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazi l Brazil Brazi l Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil 3703.90.30 4011.40.00 4011.91.50 4011.99.50 4012.10.50 7608.10.00 7608.20.00 7609.00.00 8407.32.20 8407.33.20 8408.10.00 8408.20.90 Br azil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil 8408.90.90 8409.91.92 8409.91.99 8409.99.91 8409.99.92 8411.91.90 8411.99.90 8421.23.00 8421.31.00 8429.19.00 8429.40.00 Brazil Brazil Brazi l Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil