Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 1.djvu/189

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PUBLIC LAW 102-28—APR. 10, 1991 105 STAT. 161 Public Law 102-28 102d Congress An Act Making supplemental appropriations and transfers for "Operation Desert Shield/ Desert Storm" for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1991, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1991, and for other purposes, namely: PERSIAN GULF REGIONAL DEFENSE FUND

(INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) For incremental costs of the Department of Defense and the Department of Transportation associated with operations in and around the Persian Gulf as part of operations currently known as Operation Desert Shield (including Operation Desert Storm), $15,000,000,000 is appropriated to the Persian Gulf Regional Defense Fund, which is hereby established in the Treasury of the United States, and in addition such sums as necessary are appropriated from current and future balances in the Defense Cooperation Account, to be available only for transfer in a total amount not to exceed $42,625,822,000 to the following chapters and accounts in not to exceed the following amounts: CHAPITER I DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE—MILITARY - MILITARY PERSONNEL (TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

MILITARY PERSONNEL, ARMY For an additional amount for "Military Personnel, Army", $4,863,700,000. MILITARY PERSONNEL, NAVY For an additional amount for "Military Personnel, Navy", $797,400,000. MILITARY PERSONNEL, MARINE CORPS For an additional amount for "Military Personnel, Marine Corps", $983,400,000. Apr. 10, 1991 [H.R. 1282] Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1991. Armed Forces. Arms and m unitions. Persian Gulf.