Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 1.djvu/244

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105 STAT. 216 PUBLIC LAW 102-40—MAY 7, 1991 Reports. (Colleges and universities. Health facilities. Nonprofit organizations. "(c) The special medical advisory group shall meet on a regular basis as prescribed by the Secretary. The number, terms of service, pay, and allowances of members of the advisory group shall be prescribed in accordance with existing law and regulations. "(d) Not later than February 1 of each year, the special medical advisory group shall submit to the Secretary and the Congress a report on the advisory groups activities during the preceding fiscal year. "§ 7313. Advisory committees: afHliated institutions "(a) In each case where the Secretary has a contract or agreement with any school, institution of higher learning, medical center, hospital, or other public or nonprofit agency, institution, or organization for the training or education of health personnel, the Secretary shall establish an advisory committee to advise the Secretary and the Chief Medical Director with respect to policy matters arising in connection with, and the operation of, the program with respect to which it was appointed. Such a committee may be a dean's committee, a medical advisory committee, or the like. "(b) Any such advisory committee may be established on an institution-wide, multi-disciplinary beisis or on a regional basis whenever establishment on such a basis is found to be feasible. "(c) Members of each such advisory committee shall be appointed by the Secretary and shall include personnel of the Department (including appropriate representation from the full-time staff) and of the entity with which the Secretary has entered into the contract or agreement. The number of members, and terms of members, of each advisory committee shall be prescribed by the Secretary. "(d) The Secretary shall require that the Chief of the Nursing Service (or the designee of the Chief) at each Department healthcare facility be included in the membership of each policymaking committee at that facility. Such committees include: (1) committees relating to matters such as budget, education, position management, clinical executive issues, planning, and resource allocation, and (2) the dean's committee or other advisory committee established under subsection (a). "§ 7314. Geriatric research, education, and clinical centers "(a) The Secretary, upon the recommendation of the Chief Medical Director and pursuant to the provisions of this section, shall designate not more than 25 Department health-care facilities as the locations for centers of geriatric research, education, and clinical activities and (subject to the appropriation of sufficient funds for such purpose) shall establish and operate such centers at such locations in accordance with this section. "(b) In designating locations for centers under subsection (a), the Secretary, upon the recommendation of the Chief Medical Director, shall— "(1) designate each Department health-care facility that as of August 26, 1980, was operating a geriatric research, education, and clinical center unless (on the recommendation of the Chief Medical Director) the Secretary determines that such facility does not meet the requirements of subsection (c) or has not demonstrated effectiveness in carrying out the established purposes of such center or the purposes of title III of the Vetergms' Administration Health-Care Amendments of 1980 (Public Law