Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 1.djvu/330

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105 STAT. 302 PUBLIC LAW 102-60—JUNE 18, 1991 Public Law 102-60 102d Congress Joint Resolution June 18, 1991 Marking the seventy-fifth Einniversary of chartering by Act of Congress of the Boy [S.J. Res. Ill] „, Scouts of America. Whereas June 15, 1991, will mark the seventy-fifth anniversary of the granting by Act of Congress of the Charter of the Boy Scouts of America; Whereas the Boy Scouts of America was the first youth organization to be granted a charter by Act of Congress; Whereas the Congress has been kept informed of the programs and activities of the Boy Scouts of America through the annual reports made to it each year by this organization in accordance with such charter; Whereas these programs and activities have been designed to instill in the Nation's youth the moral and ethical principles, and the habits, practices and attitudes, which are conducive to good character, citizenship, and health; and Whereas by fostering in the youth of the Nation those queilities upon which our strength as a Nation is dependent, the Boy Scouts of America has made a contribution of inestimable value to the welfare of the entire Nation: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Congress hereby pays tribute to the Boy Scouts of America on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the granting by Act of Congress of the Charter of the Boy Scouts of America, and expresses its recognition of and appreciation for the public service performed by this organization through its contributions to the lives of the Nation's youth. Approved June 18, 1991. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—S.J. Res. Ill (H.J. Res. 207): CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 137 (1991): May 22, considered and passed Senate. June 12, H.J. Res. 207 and S.J. Res. Ill considered and passed House.